Monday, July 3, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-07-03


-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

For More Light:
The Hole Story

For Further Light:

-------------- CORRUPTION --------------  

Social Pressure
 is one of the
 most corrupting influences 
a soul will ever face.
That being said...
Know Your Allegorical Symbols!

Greater than the demands 
of time, morality and even impending death, 
Social Pressure is one of the greatest 
corrupting influences to a Man's Integrity. 
A Quick Review:
  Time management 
Dealing effectively with the demands of time 

Dealing effectively with morality 
through the prudent application of virtue

Dealing effectively with putting things to rest 
without destroying the very thing 
that you desire to complete.

Or is it true that did you actually MISS 
these all important third Degree Messages?
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

If you Invested the Time 
to Chip Away at your Ashlar, 
What Would you Find? 
Better Yet, 
Who Would you Find?

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
Truth is Inventory; 
Wisdom is Prudent Application 
of Truth.
-------------- LET GO! --------------  
But... but... but... 
what would we do
 in Lodge?!?!?!?
-------------- EARNED! --------------   
(Hat tip to Bro Garry Paxinos!)
-------------- ADVICE --------------  
"A good scare
 is worth more to a man 
than good advice."
-- E.W. HOWE
  -------------- GREATNESS -------------- 

"Man’s greatness
 lies in his 
power of thought."
-- Blaise Pascal
-------------- ZERO --------------  

"Who knew an animated video about nothing, like this one from the Royal Institution, could be so much fun, Seinfeld notwithstanding? Actually, nothing is just what some of us thought zero was—it turns out it’s a lot more.

"Zero’s a relatively recent arrival in the number club. There wasn’t much use for it when mathematics began as a rudimentary system of counting objects. It was during the 7th century in India that zero was finally created by Brahmagupta. Prior to that, Indian mathematicians had used a small dot to show the absence of a digit within a larger number. When the Indian numerical system spread east, and then west, into the Arabian peninsula, zero traveled along.

"And there it stopped, as Europeans opposed the Hindu/Arabic number system—being committed already to Roman numerals. Eventually, though, math superstars like Fibonacci endorsed the system, and it was finally adopted in western culture.

"As math evolved, zero became fundamental to calculus, which allowed mathematicians to divide and divide, approaching close to—but never quite reaching—zero itself.

"And now, of course, all of our computer-based devices use binary numbers: 0 and 1, making zero arguably one of the two most important numbers in the world today.

"The animated video above tells the full, fascinating story of the number that represents, quite literally, nothing and everything."


-------------- MYTH --------------  
“We save the world by being alive ourselves.”
Joseph Campbell

-------------- DIVEST! --------------  
(To the first point on removal of TOXIC PEOPLE)
On a scale from one to ten, 
how would you rate your success in this area?

Almost a perfect 10!

What kind of push back do you get 
from those TOXIC PEOPLE 
who do not appreciate
 your success in this area?

Some push back, 
but it's like the WANT to be blocked 
and volunteer themselves to it 
and so I give them that.

On a scale from one to ten, 
how would you rate your delight that 
you're getting this TOXIC push back 
is actually another sign of success?

Too Much Delight at times... 
it's almost like the trash 
WANTS to be taken out. 
-------------- GET REAL! --------------  
Okay, this is a keeper. 
 No hype. No fluff. No overselling. 
Just real "down to earth" information.*

(Hat tip to Brother Joseph Jackson 
 for the heads up on this clip.)

* I only have one critical observation due to my hearing challenges: 
The background music comes too much to the foreground at times 
and drowns out some of the words. 
 I sure wish they did a better job mixing the audio.
-------------- LOGIC STUDIES -------------- 

Here are the resources that I have 
recommended over the last 2 decades 
when Brothers ask me about studying logic.
 It's a great starting point
 for those who are serious 
The Art of Deception - Nicholas Capaldi
A worthwhile book buy! 

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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