Friday, July 21, 2023

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-07-21

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

 I: What's an Internet Mason?
R: A Builder who got caught in a Web.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
For Further Light:
-------------- MAKES YOU? --------------  

What Makes You a Mason?
When asked, “what makes you a Mason?”, every Brother understands his response should be: “My Obligation”.

The most unfortunate aspect of the English language is how concise use can be very assumptive in its application and eventual understanding. Very short responses do not often do justice to what is actually being communicated.
This response, “My Obligation”, is one such case. When a Brother expands upon this to provide a stronger foundation as to what is implied, the sentence would state something like this:
It is my being true to the Obligation to which I bound myself, and doing so without reservation or excuse, living moment to moment making every conscious effort to live what it is that I gave my word to do that makes me a Mason.
To take upon oneself any Obligation is to live it, not give lip service and wear it as a cloak to hide what is clearly unsupported underneath.
To live such an Obligation, one must be Capable of both Knowing it well enough to examine the words and then Executing them when situations call for them to be adhered to. One cannot do this when one has not committed them to memory.
At the very least, the answer to the question is: Living true to my Obligations!
(SOURCE: Pages 124-125, Building Free Men - Volume 8; 
Building Better Builders Series of Uncommon Masonic Education books) 
found here: 
-------------- LESSONS... --------------  
Should you learn nothing more from Masonry 
than there's far more to learn 
than what is usually offered to you by others, 
you have learned what you need to know 
to further your own education.  
-------------- FOUNDATIONAL! --------------   
 The Craft is Foundationally about Improvement. 
Men without disciplined Zeal to Improve themselves 
don't join the Craft 
no matter what Dues they may pay, 
Doors they might Enter through 
or Titles they may Claim they have.
Without such Zeal, 
they have not what it takes to Craft 
and hence they join something utterly different 
and settle for membership. 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 (Hat tip to Bro. Jared Stanley!)
-------------- PRIME INDICATOR --------------  

The Apprentice Work 
Civilizes you toward yourself and others.  
Incivility is prime indicator 
of Work not done. 

  -------------- FIGHTING -------------- 
 You shall most assuredly fight yourself 
should you attempt the Fellow Craft Work 
without completing the Apprentice Work. 
Far worse, 
you shall fight others 
who might foolishly help you 
in your Fellow Craft Pursuits. 
-------------- TAKE CARE APPROPRIATELY! --------------  

yep, yet one of many greatest gifts
-------------- BE ONE! -------------- 

To Join the Fun
Be One!
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Those who Argue about Shadows 
have yet to See the Light.
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  

-------------- MYTH --------------  

“Perhaps some of us 
have to go through 
dark and devious ways 
before we can find the river of peace 
or the highroad to the soul's destination.”
Joseph Campbell,
  The Hero With a Thousand Faces

-------------- FIND WHAT WAS LOST... --------------  


-------------- GET BETTER! --------------  

Why Brothers Don't Get Better. (part 3) 
-------------- ACCOUNTABILITY --------------  

What if Disappointments 
were Life's Ingenious way 
of Holding you Accountable 
for Your Risky Investments, 
Your Poor Choices 
and Your Own Happiness?
-------------- LOGIC -------------- 

-------------- CIRCUM PUNK --------------  

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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