Wednesday, November 15, 2017
A BROTHER ASKS - Volume 1 - Uncommon Discourse about Hiram
Brother and Friends!
On November 7, 2017, I pressed the print button on my latest book, "A Brother Asks - Volume 1 - Uncommon Discourse about Hiram" and received copies for distribution three days later.
This book is unlike any other I have written and I believe you'll find it entertaining, informative, thought provoking and a very difficult book to put down.
Please read through the back cover copy, the table of contents and the "soon to be available" reviews when you have an opportunity.
Brother John S Nagy
A Brother Asks,
Hiramic Legend,
vol 1,
volume 1
Sunday, September 17, 2017
A Brother Asks: Apron Flaps
A Brother Asks: In some lodges I have seen that the flap of the apron worn is pointed up... why is that so?
FCs were frequently supervisory in capacity and hence did not require the flap being up all the time unless they had to demonstrate something for teaching purposes or do something that apprentices could or should not do.
Brother John S Nagy
NOTE: Pictures c/o Brother Steven McAfoose of Florence Lodge #949, Florence, KY, USA
Sunday, September 3, 2017
A Brother Asks: Is Parroting a Learning or Teaching Problem?
A Brother Asks: At my last meeting of my new lodge, one of our brothers mentioned "parrot mason". He explained these were members who were fluent with the rituals and lectures but only says them without understanding the full meaning behind the lectures and ritual. Which makes me wonder, is it a learning problem or a teaching problem?
Coach: Brother, please look up the word "telos".
Brother: An ultimate object or aim?
Coach: Yes. The problem is the perceived telos.
Brother: So what's wrong with the mission? Are Masons not understanding what masonry is all about?
Coach: Before we go there, what's a "parrot"?
Brother: Someone who repeats back what they hear, with no understanding of what they are repeating back.
Coach: Yes! Let me expand it. The archetypical parrot mason's telos is "to memorize and give back"; not "to learn, understand and apply".
Broather: YES! So how do we fix this?
Coach: Great question. First you must establish and maintain a telos that's 1) clearly what you want to accomplish for everyone involved, and 2) concise toward that end. Then you must 3) have it unwaveringly supported by all involved.
Brother: So better communication and better everything?
Coach: No. Make sure everyone involved supports a prescribed telos that actually "makes good men better" rather than only "giving it lip service and no results".
Brother: So practical application then? sorry I'm just not understanding this.
Coach: You asked: is it a learning problem or a teaching problem. I'm telling you it's a telos problem. The parrot telos is "memorizing and giving back without understanding and application". This only brings about more parrots.
Brother: Ah! Okay... I get it now.
Coach: The Masonic telos is not "to parrot"; that's a Freemasonic telos. The Masonic telos is "to make good men better". Parrots actually think parroting makes them and others better. They are mistaken. That being said, without them, ritual performances would likely stop altogether.
Brother: Huh?
Coach: Think about it. Parroting in and of itself is an invaluable service to the Lodge.
Brother: What!?
Coach: Members who memorize and give back are providing an important aspect of support to the craft in that their lived out parrot telos keeps ritual performances going. They preserve the code and hand it down to the next generation! In this respect, they should be respected and honored for what they contribute, not for what they themselves lack.
Brother: Interesting! I had not thought along those lines.
Coach: Good response! So, what is the problem?
Brother: Understanding and Accepting that each member contributes in their own way and each should be honored and respected for what they choose to give.
Coach: Indeed!
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
A Brother Asks: What's up with Ghana?
A Brother Asks: Why are we getting so many requests from men in Ghana asking for help with joining Freemasonry ?
Coach: The reasons are quite simple and are alluded to by the very men who seek membership.
One seeker conveys:
In Ghana it is very hard to join the great brotherhood. As the general rule goes like 2b1ask1, you can rarely see Freemasons. You can only reach them on the various platforms on social media but are not open. Please I may need a brother from the masonic lodges in Ghana...
This seeker put into words the underlying reasons why we are getting so many posts from men within this nation.
What are those reasons?
- The perceived game of hide and seek going on and seekers believe that they should play along.
- Men, the seekers, within Ghana hear the unbelievable Ghana Freemasonry Mythos, get excited by it and want to join.
- Men who have joined, the hiders, are keeping to themselves and are doing so for a whole bunch of other perceived reasons, including and not limited to:
- keeping the "mythos", "mystic" and "mystery" intense
- knowing full well that being a member isn't all that the mythos portrays
- it's an "in the know" clique
- charging higher initiation fees and dues
- perceived "society favors and perks"
- perceived power and ego tripping
All this perceived holding back only drives the seekers to want to join even more, especially when they are being compelled by the belief that they will benefit only if they try harder to join. This in turn drives members into keeping to themselves even more due to the perceived side perks.
Of course, the frenzy only escalates for those who get fixated upon becoming a member. This is typically expressed in words conveyed by yet another seeker:
Of course, the frenzy only escalates for those who get fixated upon becoming a member. This is typically expressed in words conveyed by yet another seeker:
...please help me, i'm determined to do anything that it might require to become a member...And there's another perceived game, as is conveyed by yet another seeker, and it is quite crazy making:
...there are Masonic Lodges in Ghana according to what I read at But the fact is none of the email addresses nor phone numbers of the mentioned Lodges are active... ...even their locations are not well known except the main one in Accra... And even when you call or visit the main Hall you are told to get a Mason to introduce you.And another conveyance from the same seeker: Ghana, even when you go a Masonic Lodge for a petition you are told to go look for a member, befriend him to introduce you...So, according to the first seeker, "2b1ask1". But according to the second seeker, when you ask someone within the main organization or at an actual Freemasonic Lodge, who you would think are themselves members, " are asked to get a Mason to introduce you..." or " are asked to go look for a member, befriend him to introduce you...", which is next to impossible to do when the very members that you are asking are telling you to seek elsewhere.
It's insanity exemplified! However, it is also evidence of some awesome word-of-mouth marketing techniques at play.
Brother: So how do we help these membership seekers?
Coach: The first thing to do is understand the insane games that are actually going on and the influence these perceived games have upon the seekers.
Brother: Then what?
Coach: Then realize that you truly cannot help them in the way they are seeking you to help them. The games that are actually going on are internal to the culture and, more specifically, the members within that area. The seekers are making effort to circumvent the perceived games by going outside their cultural boxes in hope that outsiders can and will influence the perceived game going on toward each seeker's favor.
My response to your last question is this, and I shall paraphrase our mythical Grand Master Hiram:
Other than letting them know the nature of these perceived insane games and the actual games and how each is influenced by members within their area, we cannot; we should not; we will not get involved. It's a waste of time for all involved.Brother: So what do we say to them?
Coach: Communicate the actual game going on...
- Seekers are required to find a member through non-organizational means or connections.
- Members will not cooperate through these channels.
- Once a member is found, seekers are to befriend them.
- Members are not looking for more members. They are looking for friends.
- Once befriended, seekers are to invest time in building that friendship.
- Members want to know that seekers are invested in the friendship and not the hopes of attaining membership.
- Seekers should continually keep in mind that no one person outside that relationship is to influence it coming together or progressing forward.
- Members are turned off by outside interference. The friendship should be brought together and supported by the relationship between the two and separate from outside influences.
- Once built, seekers are to live on hope that members like them enough to support each seeker's efforts to join.
- Members are keenly aware that their membership status is a beacon for member-wannabes. Members detecting non-friendship motives for the relationship connection will likely continue to be friendly, but not likely friends.
- Should seekers try to discuss becoming members before the approached members determine if the motives for joining are acceptable, the seekers shall most likely never be supported toward membership.
- Once again, members are very keen on detecting motives that are outside those that should be influencing the relationship coming together and driving it forward.
Brother: But, that game doesn't sound insane at all?
Coach: Yes. It truly doesn't.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: According to research done by a trusted Brother regarding obtaining membership in lodges that reside in and around Ghana, the following should be understood:
- To obtain a petition from a lodge you want to join, you must be proposed by a member of that lodge.
- To be proposed by a member of any lodge, that member must know, like and trust you.
- To be known, liked and trusted by a member, you must first have an ongoing relationship with that member outside of your seeking membership.
Brother Nagy
Monday, August 14, 2017
A Brother Asks: Passions' Radius?
A Brother Asks: We've been told that we are supposed to circumscribe our passions. What specifically should be the radius of a Brother's Passion?
Coach: That's a great question. How would you define "Passion"?
Brother: Something that a person feels very strongly about.
Coach: That's a great start. I add to your thought that, while a desire is something that someone wants, a passion is something that a person wants so strongly that he is compelled to take action to pursue it, even if it means that he suffers in his pursuit and does so willingly!
Brother: That makes sense. How can that be translated into a specific radius for circumscription?
Coach: Knowing that he is willing to suffer, a Brother, by virtue of being held to account for his passions as prescribed by Freemasonic ritual, should set the radius of his passions short of causing any and all sufferings upon others that he is compelled to embrace for himself.
Brother: I get it. No other person should be made to suffer as a result of a Brother's passionate pursuits.
Coach: Exactly! Let's make it personal.
Brother: Sure!
Coach: When anyone other than yourself suffers because of your passion, you've gone too far.
Brother: But what about those who are willing to suffer with you?
Coach: Then they by their engagements have revealed aligned passions with yours and are either directly or indirectly willing participants who, by their very willingness, engage in suffering also, and do so by choice!
Brother: But wouldn't you agree that if such suffering results in damage then you've went too far?
Coach: Wouldn't that truly depend upon what you want and what you are willing to sacrifice to obtain it?
Brother: How so?
Coach: I agree that collateral suffering even to the point of damage is an unwarranted imposition upon those who have not agreed to suffer along with you in your pursuits.
However, if you willingly suffer to the point of damage to your person, yea even your life, then you have a desire in your heart that is to you worth more than your person.
This does occur when passions run high and is usually viewed as heroic by those who benefit from such passionate actions without suffering themselves.
Brother: Have you an example to offer?
Coach: Do you think Christ went too far?
Brother: Point taken.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
FILED UNDER: Listen to Understand
When you hear a question from a candidate like, "What book would you recommend that I read to become better acquainted with the level I am at currently?" and you immediately respond with advice that does anything but address the question, you are not listening!
Responses like:
1) "Don't read anything!"
2) "Just listen to your Coach and do what he says!"
3) "Oh, there's plenty of time for reading later. Just focus upon your Proficiencies!"
4) “Study what they told you to study no less.”
2) "Just listen to your Coach and do what he says!"
3) "Oh, there's plenty of time for reading later. Just focus upon your Proficiencies!"
4) “Study what they told you to study no less.”
“What book would you recommend..?” is the primary focus and request of the candidate. He further conditioned these with, “…that I read to become better acquainted with the level I am at currently?" He already knows the danger of stepping outside due bounds.
Let's look at these typical responses.
1) "Don't read anything!"
Why would you ever give this poor advice? Are you concerned the candidate may get swept
away in reading? Are you concerned it might interfere with his
proficiencies? Are you concerned he
might read something that may redirect him from what the Lodge wants him to
focus upon?
If you are concerned about such things, there are
plenty of Grand Lodges who provide level appropriate materials. Perhaps you
should seek them out and read them for yourself.
You’re dealing with an individual who is seeking
Light. He wants supplementary reading materials. He wasn’t asking for anything that is out of
due bounds for his level. If he has any
kind of integrity for what is best for his journey, do you think he will ever
ask you for direction again?
The Candidate is not on your schedule. He has his
own. He came to you for something specific and you just dismissed him. And you justified it using your own measure,
not his. What thoughts do you think will
go through his head when you say something in the future? Who do you think he
will approach next time he is seeking Light?
This is the ultimate parent to child command. If he listens to you, you are directing him
as a child and not addressing him as the adult you would want in your
Lodge. If he recognized your command for
what it is, he will likely avoid interactions with you into the future. He will
know that you not only do not listen, but you have a preconceived notion as to
how you perceive him in your world.
The Brother asked for an appropriate resource! He did not ask for advice as to what he should do!
Is it any small wonder as to why Brothers become disappointed, leave and never come back? Not only are they not being heard, they are not getting what they ask for, repeatedly!
If you want to have change for the better and to have that change impact your Lodge, you'd better learn to listen to understand. If you do not, you'll sabotage all future communications with anyone who seeks you for Light.
Fraternally & Sincerely,
-- Coach John S Nagy
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Help, Aid & Assist Distant Membership Seekers
(There are many membership seekers who contact existing members on line for assistance in becoming a member. Here is an article/response that you can link to when you get contacted through social media networks regarding these membership queries.)
A Membership Seeker Asks: I want to be part of Freemasons now. Can you help me?
My Response: Are you seeking to become a member of the Freemasonic Order?
He Continues: Yes!
My Response: Okay. Where do you live?
He Continues: I live in [location deleted by me].
My Response: Thank you. You are outside of my area. You have several options. Here are only a few, with caveats:
- When Freemasonic Orders are outlawed in your area:
- Immediately stop any further activities or you will put yourself in harms way. I cannot stress this any more emphatically.
- When Freemasonic Orders are legal in your area, you should:
- Identify a local lodge member, make contact with him and ask for a petition. If he turns you down, find out if it is the local practice/tradition of turning membership seekers down several times before acceptance and act accordingly.
- Identify a local lodge, make contact with the lodge secretary and ask for a petition. Same "if" as above applies.
- Identify a Grand Lodge, contact the Grand Lodge secretary and ask for a petition. Same "if" as above applies.
He Continues: But you are a member of Freemasons. Would you help me join?
My Response: I have done just that.
He Continues: I know that you want to help me ... But honestly, I do not know of any places in my area... Please let me talk to some members you know in my area, give them my phone number (############), or give me a phone number of a member and I will take it from there.
My Response: It's not that I will not help you any further. What you are asking me to do is not something I can or should engage in, and for many specific reasons. You must do these things for yourself.
He Continues: But you are a member of Freemasons. Why will you not help me further?
My Response: That is a extremely important question. Thanks for asking. Here's why:
- You are asking an existing member...
- from a different area than yours,
- who has no influence whatsoever over the lodges or lodge members in your area,
- whom you do not know,
- who does not know you,
- to do something further that he should not do.
- In some areas, you MUST already have an existing relationship with a member of a lodge in your area; not members outside your area, especially those that do not know you and that you don't know. In this case, you MUST wait for that person to propose you to the lodge before a petition will be offered to you.
- I am not from your area and therefore cannot tell you what lodge to approach as it is NOT in my area and within my knowledge.
- You asked for advice/help/support. What is offered to you is exactly what you can and should expect to receive from an unknown stranger and outsider to your area.
- Your next step it to locate a lodge near you, ask for its admission requirements and then you should act accordingly.
He Continues: Well, okay. Thank you very much.
My Response: You're most welcome... Good Luck!
BTW - A good Brother made an awesome video that expands upon this theme. You can find it here:
I high recommend you listen carefully to what this Brother has to say and what he has to offer you in your current situation.
Coach John S Nagy
Saturday, June 10, 2017
A Future Brother Asks... Scams
A Membership Seeker Asks: How do I know I might be scammed by those who seek me to join?
My Response: You are likely to become a victim of a membership scam...
- If any member approaches you first to ask you to join.
- The exception is that some jurisdictions allow members to let a non-member know that they would make a good member, but they allow this to occur only once.
- If any member tells you that they can make you a member.
- They cannot. They can only provide you a petition. It is up to the Lodge to make you a member and that is through a specific process.
- If any member approaches you and tells you that you'll make money or have greater influence by being a member.
- Legitimate Freemason costs you money to be a member; it will not make you any money or give you influence outside the organization.
- If any member asks you for money to help him in any way, and especially related to making you a member, other than suitable initiation fees. (Check with the Grand Lodge office in your area to verify!)
- Other than initiation fees, and dues to be paid once you are a member, no member should be asking you for any money.
- If any member abuses you verbally or physically as part of your interview process or your initiation.
- Freemasonry is not about abuse in any way shape or form.
- If any member approaching you doesn't have legitimate connections to Grand Lodges that are Recognized by UGLE, GLS or GLI.
- Unrecognized Lodges are not legitimate. Stay away from them and their members.
- SPECIAL WARNING: If they mention "Illuminati" even once, RUN!
- They are NOT legitimate.
- You are being SET UP for a scam.
- You will not come out of any exchange better off in any way.
- No matter what is offered to you, the price you pay will far out-weigh what you lose in the exchange.
Good Luck!
Bro. John S Nagy
Thursday, June 1, 2017
The Summons Silenced
those who have fled for good reasons...
A member of a certain Lodge, who previously attended meetings regularly, had stopped going. After a few months, the Worshipful Master decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening, and the Worshipful Master found his brother at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire.
Guessing the reason for the Worshipful Master’s visit, the brother welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The Worshipful Master made himself comfortable, but said nothing.
In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After several minutes, the Worshipful Master took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth, all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent.
His host watched all of this in quiet contemplation. As the one, lone ember’s flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow, and its fire was all but gone. The host Brother soon reached out and put the ember back into the flue’s draft. He then scooped up the other embers with the ash shovel and put them in an ash bucket, closed its heavy lid down upon it, and sealed them off from the natural draft. He sat back and enjoyed the warm glow of the remaining ember, now flared up in brilliant glow brought about by the swift flow of the flue draft.
The Worshipful Master raised his eyebrows but remained silent. After a while he glanced at his watch and chose this time to leave. He slowly stood up, removed the lid to expose the cold dead embers that were sealed away, and placed them back in the flue draft with the one remaining glowing ember. As they were exposed to its warm heat, they sprung to life and began to glow once more and with all the light and warmth of the one burning ember that had remained in the flue’s draft.
The Worshipful Master turned to leave, and as he reached the door, he turned back toward the host Brother and said with a tear running down his cheek, “Thank you so much for your fiery response, my brother. I’ll make sure we make the necessary changes before I visit with you again.”
-- Brother John S. Nagy
(with sincere appreciation to both the original and the unknown authors*)
--------------------------------------(with sincere appreciation to both the original and the unknown authors*)
* The Silent Summons (Based upon "The Lonely Ember**")
A member of a certain Lodge, who previously attended meetings regularly, had stopped going. After a few months, the Worshipful Master decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening, and the Worshipful Master found his brother at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire.
Guessing the reason for the Worshipful Master’s visit, the brother welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The Worshipful Master made himself comfortable, but said nothing.
In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After several minutes, the Worshipful Master took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth, all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent.
His host watched all of this in quiet contemplation. As the one, lone ember’s flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow, and its fire was no more. Soon, it was cold and dead.
Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The Worshipful Master glanced at his watch and chose this time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember, and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately, it began to glow once more, with all the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.
As the Worshipful Master reached the door to leave, his host said, with a tear running down his cheek, “Thank you so much for your fiery summons, my brother. I’ll be back in our Lodge next meeting.”
-- Author Unknown
The Lonely Ember by Dr. John MacArthur
A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going.
After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire.
Guessing the reason for his pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a big chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself comfortable but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the play of the flames around the burning logs.
After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet fascination.
As the one lone ember's flame diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and "dead as a doornail."
Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting.
Just before the pastor was ready to leave, he picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.
As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said, "Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I shall be back in church next Sunday."
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
A Brother Asks: Keeping Secrets
A Brother Asks: "On the square", is something repeated throughout our fraternity, but what does that really mean?
My Response: The common understanding of this term is that "what is shared will be keep within the chest receiving it as it would be kept within the chest of the one imparting it". I have also heard the term "on the level" used to convey the same interest/sentiment.
He Continues: Are we truly obligated to keep the secrets of another Brother when entrusted to us?
My Response: Yes.
However, FULL Upfront Disclosure is required for this to apply.
He Continues: What does that mean?
My Response: You had better communicate upfront that ...
1) ...the information which is going to be conveyed is indeed considered confidential to all involved.
- You cannot legally invoke an obligation requirement after the fact. Full upfront disclosure is a must.
2) ...the information to be conveyed shall harm someone if conveyed any further and in any manner or form.
- You cannot morally share a secret without letting the other party know what the ramifications of knowing it entails.
3) is information that shall harm someone if NOT shared.
- You cannot ethically conceal information that can harm if not revealed. This includes relationships that would be harmed by having possession of the information whereby others who should know too would consider you disloyal or legally negligent by not disclosing it to them.
He Continues: How realistic is that promise in today's Masonic world?
My Response: Even more so now then ever before, Masonic or not!
Bro. John S. Nagy
Bro. John S. Nagy
on the level,
on the square,
Friday, April 7, 2017
FILED UNDER: 7 Liberal Arts & Sciences - Music
Me: Well son, I really didn't know they liked music... but I imagine if it's baaaad enough, it'll put you to sleep pretty quickly.
Son: SHEET Music Dad! SHEET Music!
Me: Only when I have too many prunes son.
Son: (sigh) Ewe are too much!...
Me: Well, you can expect ramifications of shear nonsense from me at times.
Son: I have herd this before.
Me: That's music to my eyes son.
Son: What is?
Me: Sheet Music!
Son: (groan)
Me: Nice bass tones son.
Son: (sighs... rolls eyes... slowly moves away)
-- Coach Nagy
-- Coach Nagy
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
A Brother Asks: Associating Faith to Ritual
A Brother Asks: Why do so many Freemasons inherently associate the Craft with any one specific religion?
My Response: Their Ignorance, Arrogance, and Wishful thinking are the causes.
He Continues: Would you please expand upon this?
My Response: Sure! Freemasonic Ritual is symbolic and allegorical; not literal and factual. The organization’s Rituals are "morality plays". They're supposed to be understood and experienced as such and they are to be applied within the context of your own faith and philosophy, even when the veil that is used to convey any one specific story or obligation is that of another’s faith or philosophy.
Brother: In other words, the veil that is put forth through these plays to convey intended values, meanings and concepts is not the veil you should see or internalize; that would be counterproductive and contrary to Freemasonic intents and ends?
Coach: Exactly! You must learn to see through veils, no matter how you might be distracted by them, to gain what is truly being offered beneath each. This same understanding applies to the demands placed upon some candidates within specific appendant bodies that appear to be literal and specific to one faith or another.
Brother: Can you provide an example?
Coach: Sure. In some appendant bodies the candidate is asked to defend a specific religion.
Brother: Yes! I have heard of this occurring and how it excludes some members of different faiths.
Coach: But it truly doesn't do any such thing!
Brother: But how can that be? Aren't they promising to do just that and over their own faith?
Coach: Only if they are foolish enough to take a symbolic event literally; the very thing they should have trained themselves not to do if they had done what the Blue Lodge Degrees direct them to do.
Brother: I don't understand. Would you expand upon this?
Coach: Sure. If you are symbolically taking part within a play where the character you are playing is of a specific faith and you are asked to play that part authentically, while participating within that play, you would play that part authentically, within that play!
Brother: Okay.
Coach: Most members going through miss this!
Brother: Miss what?
Coach: These plays, and the manner to which they convey things, are symbolic and allegorical and should apply symbolically and metaphorically to the candidate’s life; not literally. Once they have taken off the mask of that character they portrayed, they are to apply the intent, reason and purpose of that specific portrayal authentically within their own lives and within the context of their own faith!
Brother: WOW! That's deep!
Coach: Yes! When properly prepared, candidates listen to what Freemasonic instruction intends. They'll take what is shared “figuratively” and apply each insight gleaned and each experience conveyed toward their own life, as it fits within their own faith and philosophy; not the faith or philosophy used to convey these lessons and insights.
Brother: So, the plays we call "ritual" are vehicles that convey!
Coach: Yes!
Brother: If I am promising to defend a specific faith within these plays, these ritual performances, am I supposed to take that concept and employ it toward my faith in the real world?
Coach: Absolutely! And what's more, take it one step further.
Brother: How's that?
Coach: You defend those who chose to believe as you do and those who don't believe as you do.
Brother: Ah! Defend the right to believe!
Coach: Yes!
Brother: So, I'm supposed to take the lesson presented and apply the lesson within the context of my life; and not be confined to the way the lesson was conveyed!
Coach: Exactly! However, when you take any ritual as concrete, historical and factual, you miss the intent of what was shared. You believe what was shared in a literal way. You miss the entire reason for the experiences and the lessons are learned superficially.
Brother: And I would miss the intents, the lessons and the purposes!
Coach: Indeed!
Brother: But how do so many miss this?
Coach: They are not properly prepared.
Brother: I must agree!
Coach: In reality, Ritual will be always be understood to be whatever the individual experiencing it wants it to be and within the limitations of that person’s capacity to understand it.
Brother: And lack of proper preparation contributes to these limitations.
Coach: Yes. And because of this limiting factor, men who have the capacity to see past the veils of dogma, both religious and philosophic, will be attacked and eventually driven off by those individuals who, through lack of preparation, insist upon experiencing and interpreting these plays literally.
Brother: Ah! These improperly prepared members are the ones who shame and guilt those who don't live up to a literal interpretation?
Coach: Yes. They actually believe that members must defend the faith that was acted out within ritual rather than seeking the intended message, lessons and purposes of the ritual and eventually leading them to defending all those who choose to believe.
Brother: I've see this done countless times!
Coach: As have I! This is one of the reasons that both the Apprentice and Fellow Work are so crucial to Masonic development. It prepares both the heart and mind to comprehend things, even when veiled several times over. The Work is also what prepares a spirit to soar.
Brother: So, back to the original question...
Coach: They do not want to know better, they believe they do know better and they want it to be the way they want it to be, even when they know it will coerce unknowing others into doing things that are disrespectful.
Brother: Hence your original response: Their Ignorance, Arrogance, and Wishful thinking are the causes.
Coach: Yep.
Brother John S Nagy
wishful thinking
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