Friday, February 5, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-02-05


 -------------- BETTER TODAY -------------- 
 -------------- BLOCKAGE -------------- 

You can quote the Theories, Prescriptions and Opinions from over three Centuries of Freemasonic Experts and do so from dawn to dusk and well into the night, but if you Refuse to first Accurately Describe your Current Reality and the Work Required to Improve it, you're not going to be any Better for your Efforts.  
 -------------- MYTH -------------- 

Myths are public dreams; dreams are private myths. 
By finding your own dream and following it through, 
it will lead you to the myth-world in which you live. 
But just as in dream, the subject and object, though 
they seem to be separate, are really the same.
--Joseph Campbell
 -------------- SUPINE -------------- 
-------------- DRAW THEM! -------------- 

(Dare to Think Deeper!)
 -------------- PROGRESS? -------------- 
On a scale from one to ten, (with one being "no true effort or progress made" and ten being "dealt with the biggies, currently in maintenance mode and dealing effectively with minor issues") how would you rate your overall "Divesting Vices and Superfluities" progress and goals?
-------------- MINIMUMS? -------------- 
 -------------- HUMOR --------------
A man is walking through the recreation ground of his local park when he notices a huge fight in full fury on the football pitch he is passing.
"What′s going on?" he asks a spectator watching from the side–lines.
The other replies "It′s a match between the Masons and the Knights of Columbus."
"What′s the score?" asks the first man.
"I don't know, it′s a secret."
(Hat tip to Brother Franklyn Gallup! / 2-5-2016)

--------------------- REVIEW: The Light in the Garden ------------------

I'm just about finished my second read of "The Light in the Garden." 

Absolutely awesome! 
It completely resonates with my thoughts on the Fall of Adam, his relationship with God, as well my Martinist feelings regarding Reintegration. 
The chapter "Paradise" is the killer for me. Yeshua tells the robber the truth. Once you take real responsibility and accept accountability for your actions, and their consequences, and bring about change, you will join Him in Paradise. 
And Paradise is where it all began! "In the beginning was the Word........." 
Your book is "revelation"! I love it.
BTW - I love the "discourse" approach as well. It makes it very easy to read and digest. I can almost feel a movie coming on!
(Thank You Brother Peter Taylor!)
 -------------- ROADMAP TALK -------------- 

 What EVERY Candidate should hear, REPEATEDLY!
 -------------- END --------------  

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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