Sunday, July 25, 2021

Random Building Thoughts - 2021-07-25

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

It Protects Itself Masterfully
The Heart must be Properly Prepared to Receive it;
The Mind must be Properly Prepared to Understand it;
The Spirit must be Properly Prepared to Manifest it;
For The Master's Word To Be Discovered!
The unworthy remain without.

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

The first step toward Freedom
 requires that you take ownership 
over who is your educator. 
When you believe it is others, 
you are bound. 
When you believe it is you,
 you must then prove you are worthy.

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
You cannot ever Find Coins 
by Tearing Apart a Book;
Coins cannot be found within it, 
but a Map to Find them may be.
 Ritual is the Map; 
not the Coins. 
Learn to Read 
and Follow it

For Further Light:

 -------------- WELL? --------------  

A Progressive Science?  
How's that Workin' for ya?
-------------- TRUTH!!! -------------- 
-------------- THE DIFFERENCE(S) -------------- 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Don't be Disgusted by Society. 
Be Disgusted 
by how Highly Biased Media 
Continually Portrays it 
in Increasingly Disgusting Ways.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

Forever is time-space bound.
 Eternity is not.
"Eternity is not a long time; 
rather, it is another dimension. 
It is that dimension to which time-thinking shuts us. 
And so there never was a creation. 
Rather, there is a continuous creating going on. 
This energy is pouring into every cell of our being right now, 
every board and brick of the buildings we sit in, 
every grain of sand and wisp of wind."
-- Joseph Campbell, Myths of Light

-------------- YES! --------------  

From Bro. William H. Boyd, 
worth reading...
-------------- NURTURE! --------------  
A Ring of Acorns 
Maketh Not Might Oaks. 
There's Potential, 
but Only When Nurtured Rite.
-------------- REWARDS --------------  
-------------- FAVS --------------  
One of my favorite Inspirational quotes: 

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, 
He that believeth on me, 
the works that I do 
shall he do also; 
and greater works than these 
shall he do; 
because I go unto my Father."
-- Jesus of Nazareth (John 14:12)
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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