Friday, August 5, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-08-05


-------------- TYLERS --------------  

I: What unique Position 
did Tylers originally Hold on the Work Site 
that made them most Favorable 
and Probable to first Notice Undesirables 
Approaching or Being on the Work Site?


I: To what does the Flaming Sword refer?
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Arithmetic Study
is where 
the concepts, realities and ramifications 
of "Zero" and "Infinity" 
are explored, understood and utilized. 
Without this firm foundation, 
much metaphysical study 
is misunderstood 
and, far worse, 
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

(Hat tip to Bro. Chris Balke!)

-------------- TOOL! --------------  

 Ritual is an eye chart 
that helps determine 
the insightfulness of its viewer. 
When one doesn't know 
that it's a tool 
or how to use it, 
it appears as nonsensical scratches 
on a cave wall.
-------------- ACCUMULATIONS --------------  

-------------- GET IT! --------------   
When You Really Get it
 You Find The Word 
For Further Light:
Get It!

-------------- ROOTS -------------- 
Interesting Root Histories...
Who you are 
invokes from the universe 
more of the same.
imprecation (n.) mid-15c., "a curse, cursing," from Latin imprecationem (nominative imprecatio) "an invoking of evil," noun of action from past participle stem of imprecari "invoke, pray, call down upon," from assimilated form of in- "into, in, within" (see in- (2)) + precari "to pray, ask, beg, request" (see pray). "Current limited sense is characteristic of human nature" [Weekley].
invoke (v.) late 15c., from Old French invoquer, envoquer, envochier "invoke, implore" (12c.), from Latin invocare "call upon, implore," from in- "upon" (see in- (2)) + vocare "to call," related to noun vox (genitive vocis) "voice" (see voice (n.)). Related: Invoked; invoking.
  -------------- OFFENDED -------------- 
 You are only Offended 
by the Opinions and Behaviors of Those 
to Whom you have Placed Great Value. 
When You Want Inner Peace, 
Stop Valuing Them!
-------------- REASONS --------------  

You'd Think 
By The Way Some Men Try 
to be the Best Members Possible 
That they have Forgotten 
the Very Reason that They Joined.

-------------- LISTEN!!!! -------------- 
"If you listen to your fears,
you will die
never knowing what a great person
 you might have been."

-- Robert H. Schuller
I disagree! 
This is terrible advice!
When you refuse to listen and hear 
what your fears tell you, 
you refuse to deal with what you're perceiving. 
I encourage you to Listen Carefully 
to what your Fears are Really Saying to you 
about what you perceive about your situation. 
Once you are Clear as to what they Tell you, 
Summon the Courage to Face and Conquer them 
by dealing effectively with what you believe is before you! 
This way you Live Knowing what it's like 
to Deal Effectively with your Fears!
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Masons Know Others By the Work they Do
And By the Work that Remains not Done.
When you Improperly Make your Tools,
Your Angles Are Skewed & unSquare,
You're unBound & unSubdued,
Your Very Looks Betray You.
You Show the World You!

-------------- MYTH --------------  

   “Writer’s block results from too much head. 
Cut off your head. 
Pegasus, poetry, was born of Medusa 
when her head was cut off. 
You have to be reckless when writing. 
Be as crazy as your conscience allows.”
Joseph Campbell, 
  A Joseph Campbell Companion: 
Reflections on the Art of Living 
-------------- SENSE --------------  
Light comes Veiled,
can you Sense the Layers?
-------------- WORKING TOOL! --------------  
I sure wish wisdom was a tool.
If it were,
I'd make sure it was mass produced
and required to be in everyone's tool box.
Alas, it is not.
The best description of Wisdom 
that I have come across?
Brace yourself!
Wisdom is what occurs 
when one's heart, head and spirit:
1) have been moved 
from Chaos to Order,
2) are all connected,
3) are all aligned and
4) and are in full agreement.
But that's just something I got from my Travels.
Others might not see the Wisdom in this.
(and Yes, you may quote me on this!)
-------------- ATTRACTION! --------------  
FILED UNDER: It Ain't Rocket Surgery
How to Attract Others to Masonry
1) Be a man true 
      to his Word
2) Do the Work 
      that is pointed toward 
      by Blue Lodge Ritual
3) Be Masterful in your life; 
      in private, in business and in public
4) Be Attractive 
      to what you want to Attract
5) Be Noticed 
      for all the Right Reasons
6) Surround yourself 
      with those who Exemplify all of the above
7) Be a Rich Resource 
      and Authoritative Guide
      for those who want to do the same Work 
      to become what you exemplify
For Further Light:
-------------RUFFIANPIECE! --------------  
-------------- THANKS! --------------   

A Visual Brotherly Thanks
offered up to all who take the time to let me know,
either by likes, posts or through private messenger,
that what I post daily is appreciated.
Your feedback is truly appreciated!

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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