Thursday, August 11, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-08-11


-------------- BEYOND THE MASTER'S WORD! --------------  

For Further Light:

-------------- PERFECT! --------------  
What you Consciously do 
to Develop your Stones.
For Further Light:
(and associated links!)

-------------- SHARP! --------------  
Masterful Masons Are Sharp Sharpeners 
-------------- GRAN! --------------   

Hiram Abiff
Get off my Floor
  -------------- HOW?! -------------- 

 Blind Leading Blind Problems
How are you going to come to know 
what you must come to know
 if no one you have come to know 
has come to know 
what they must come to know?
For Further Light:
-------------- HOW? --------------  
Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz: 
More Importantly: 
Understand.the INTENT 
behind God's Word!
For Further Light:

-------------- WELLSPRINGS --------------  

Un-Honoring the Work 
Those Brothers who 
endorse, encourage and support 
Work not Done, Work Passed over and Work Dishonored 
are the greatest Wellsprings 
of Craft Problems. 
For Further Light:

-------------- TESTING! -------------- 

For Further Light:

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

"A smart man makes a mistake, 
learns from it, 
and never makes that mistake again. 
But a wise man finds a smart man 
and learns from him 
how to avoid the mistake altogether."
— Roy H. Williams
-------------- MYTH --------------  
we have not even to risk the adventure alone;
for the heroes of all time
have gone before us,
the labyrinth is fully known;
we have only to follow
the thread of the hero-path.

 And where we had thought to find an abomination, 
we shall find a god; 
where we had thought to slay another, 
we shall slay ourselves; 
where we had thought to travel outward, 
we shall come to the center of our own existence; 
where we had thought to be alone, 
we shall be with all the world.”
And you must take the journey 
and not just hear about it 
from someone else, 
especially anyone who has not truly 
taken the journey himself.
-------------- RIP DEAR BROTHER --------------  

Every man must remain under the control of others 
until he is able to control himself. 
(Warning! Deep and multiple meanings. 
Ponder at your own peril!)
EA Truth alert!
-- Bro. Patrick Farrell August 11, 2014 

 -------------- HOW PASSION GOT BOOKED!! --------------  

 My no-holds-barred interview 
with Bro. Michael R. Poll 
which was published in 
The Journal of the Masonic Society; 
/ Issue 49 / SUMMER 2020!!!!
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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