Saturday, November 12, 2022

FILED UNDER: How To Spot A Cowan


Good Day Fellow Traveler!

Our fraternity offers Light to it's members.  We do this through ritual instruction and proficiencies.

Even with this offering, there are many Brothers who do not have the slightest idea how to practically apply the light our Craft offers to them.  

A case in point could be easily made with the Light surrounding our collective understanding of Cowans.  Sure, most members can spout off the Craft dogma about them if asked.  Some of that dogma might actually sound good to the ignorant listener; like, Cowans are pretenders to the Craft or are non-members who pretend to be members to get our secrets.  These are great to respond to, but they do not go into detail as to how to spot them, much less handle them once you spot them.

We know they are pretending for a specific reason - they want our "secrets!"   However, we should know that these individuals, try as they may, will never get our secrets.  This is because every one of our secrets is an internalized discipline that cannot be obtained in any other way then Working diligently upon ourselves to develop them.  Such secrets cannot be handed over!

Sure, they can find out what they believe to be our modes of recognition. But even these modes are symbolic and they only reflect the internalized disciplines that can only be recognized by those who have them. Those who do not have these internalized disciplines are blind to them.

So, this raises a question. How does one apply this Light?  More specifically, when it comes to practical every day interactions with others, how exactly does one pick up on and apply the Light this organization offers and do it in such a way as to be able to deal effectively with a Cowan should one cross our path?

Here's a typical example of a Cowan interacting with a Brother.  The Cowan's behavior drips with shoddy work, slipshod thinking, and heartless justifications.

In other words, their very behavior betrays them.

 Sound familiar?


 Coach Nagy

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Cowan (sharing this statement in a meme):  Freemasonry is a completely tolerant organization.

Coach:  hmm... not really... Freemasonry does not tolerate the following:

1. Immorality

2. Unmasonic behavior

3. Evesdroppers

4. Cowans

5. Ruffians (Remember what KS ordered be done to them?)

6. NPDs

7. Disrespect to or ignoring of its traditions & etiquette

8. Atheists!

9. Libertines!

10. Nonage!

11. Fools!

12. Non-believers!

And this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface on having illicit intercourse.

So, go ahead, change my mind...

Cowan:  Well, opinions among Freemasons are divided. [1]

Coach: That’s a red herring. The issue is not about opinions among Freemasons. The issue is the statement that you yourself made about Freemasonry as an organization. It is clearly wrong.

Cowan: But some would consider the phrase "Freemasonry is a completely tolerant organization" to be true.  For example, the Dallas Freemasons. [2]

Coach: “Some”?!  That’s a purposefully vague claim offered in an effort to divert attention from the point. Your statement is clearly false and any offered logical fallacy based excuse used to justify your original statement is bogus specifics. The statement that you originally made is clearly wrong on far too many levels and points.

Furthermore, it’s clear now from your shared website link that you have actually stolen the statement from someone else’s  website and have presented it out of context as an ideal, with no attribution, as your own, and unsupported by its original surrounding text.

This action is both misleading to those who were not privy to the source material and is an example of plagiarism since you have presented the statement as your own and have not given credit where it is actually due.

That would also make it a clear violation of at least one of Freemasonry’s many obligations.

Cowan: I guess this is about a possible lack of tolerance towards those who think differently, not towards those who act unethically. [3]

Coach: No. Your “guess” is not even in the ballpark. You’re offering up yet another red herring to excuse your unethical behavior.  It is NOT about those who think differently.  It is clearly about those who think and act unethically; much as you have done here by your posted comment.

Freemasonic organizations clearly DO NOT tolerate unethical behavior; at least, not the legitimate ones.

Cowan:  The big question is how to wisely distinguish between the two, with distance from the limited nature of our power to judge... [4]

Coach: Strike four... "The big question"?!?!? Yet another red herring put forth to distract from the fact that you reposted a stolen and clearly wrong generalization out of context as you own.  

Perhaps “the big question” is offered up from you to distract rather than address your behavior and character. Grand Lodges, and those members who are part of them, would disagree with your claim and your subsequent behavior!   

Thinking differently is not the issue; thinking and acting unethically is.   

And if you truly believe that our power to judge is somehow too limited, then you missed the entire point of one of Freemasonry’s  most important Charges. We ARE to judge our Brothers. those pre-masons who would knock upon our doors, and those who would pretend to be one of the Craft!

It’s pretty clear you got caught with your pants down on this one and have tried unsuccessfully to justify your bad behavior and cover the fact that you clearly do not know what you are talking about.  

Moreover, your comments would embarrass even a sophist, had they been your trainer. Your justifications are poorly constructed excuses that have noting to do with what you did, what you are doing, and who you are at your core.

Furthermore, if you are indeed a Fellow of the Craft, your behavior is an embarrassment to your Brothers.


Coach's Notes:

How did I know this poster is a Cowan?

  1. He (re)posted things he didn't understand.
  2. He didn't square his work.
  3. He didn't use cement in what he built.
  4. He had holes in all his arguments.
  5. He did much to avoid addressing items 1 through 4. 

It really isn't about these people getting into the lodge. It's about these people getting into your life!

 [1] Offering an issue-redirection strategy. (Red Herring)

[2] Logical Fallacy - Appeal to authority & stolen work

[3] Offering an issue-redirection strategy. (Red Herring)

[4] Offering an issue-redirection strategy. (Red Herring)



Anonymous said...

You can always use platos the republic to often dispute and challenge arguments for a just cause and win it teaches a logical argument and breaks down in a more concise method of argument in which you presented brother.

Coach John S Nagy said...

I have used the Socratic method for such things ever since I was shown it many years ago. It is an excellent tool to differentiate those who think from those who stink ;-)