Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-11-22


 -------------- HUMOR --------------

Take great care in what you pride yourself
for the spotlight you shine illuminates everything!

(Your Brothers may likely hear you talking trash,
even though you truly think your speaking
in the Tongue of the Craft.)

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------


-------------- FIND IT! --------------

Without Challenges,
Souls have no Motivation to Mature.
When you don't See them,
there be you're First

 -------------- SAD MEMORY --------------

I was sadly reminded of another date that this day marks.

November 22, 1963, Dallas: John F. Kennedy, Assassinated

RIP Mr. President

 -------------- INITIATION --------------

"A bit of advice given to a young Native American at the time of his initiation:

'As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm.


It is not as wide as you think.' "
-- Joseph Campbell, 

"A Joseph Campbell Companion: 

Reflections on the Art of Living" , p. 26

-------------- COACH'S CHALLENGE --------------

You have become disenchanted with all the usual routine
Freemasonic activities and decide to buckle down
and do the Apprentice Work pointed toward by Ritual.
You focus first upon values
and more specifically what you value most.
As you do your Work,
it becomes clear to you,
as you examine your experience of life,
that it is much richer as a result of specific individuals
affecting it directly and indirectly.
You are overwhelmed with gratitude
as you think about their impact upon you.

Your Task:

1) Create a list of names of everyone who comes to mind
who has enriched your life experience or enriches
your life experience on a daily basis.

2) Next to each name on your list,
write down how your life would be less rich
if that person were not affecting it.
3) Write out how you would go about expressing your gratitude
to each for their contribution to your life and then make it so!

-------------- PLAY --------------

What should Play on the Minds of all Brothers
is how little Play there is in each Play
that Plays out when they Play them Well.

-------------- DEMANDS --------------

The Collaboration
between the Inner and the Outer Walls of Self
is What the Perpend Ashlar Demands!

 -------------- MATURE IT! --------------

Freemasonry only Preserves
a Perpetually Immature Masonic egg.
It is up to each Mason to do
the necessary Work that Hatches it,
Nurtures it,
and Brings it to Full Maturity for himself.
Do nothing toward these ends
and your egg shall eventually
stinketh for all involved. 

  -------------- BOOK #16 NOW RELEASED! --------------   


MY 16th BOOK 
is now available!

PLEASE put your orders in now 
if you would like a first edition copy
 for your collections.

You can order it here:

Also, please share the link 
if you want to inform others
of its availability.

Thank you in advance!

Coach Nagy
Are you all caught up 
on your reading?
  -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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