-------------- HUMOR ---------------
-------------- EDUCATION ---------------
Get to know what you're missing
in your Freemasonic Education.
Then pursue it with great zeal!
Jacob's Ladder is really a "sullam",
otherwise known as a "stairway".
It's the first of two staircases you must climb
to connect heaven with
Source: Building Better Builders Workshop - EA section
-------------- COACH'S CHALLENGE ---------------
You are tasked with educating Apprentices
in understanding the meaning behind the words
loosely used within
You are to use the story of Jacob's Ladder
and the Tower of
Your Tasks:
the ladder Jacob dreamed about.
2) Describe what that word denotes.
3) Did the Jacob story occur before or after
the Tower of Babel story
and what is the significance of each story
in the efforts made to connect two places?
-------------- APPLICATION! ---------------
What makes Knowledge Wisdom?
-------------- DIVEST! ----------------------------- DIVEST APPROPRIATELY! ---------------
Good Advice!
(But first, recognize and understand
what constitutes your soul!)
-------------- PLAN AHEAD! ---------------
What are your plans?
-------------- INSIGHT ---------------
What characters
do you take to be authentic?
-------------- CONTEMPLATE ---------------
-------------- MYTH ---------------
When does Compassion
become Dysfunctional?
-------------- THE WORD ---------------
For Further Light:
Getting It!
-------------- HEAD SCRATCHER ---------------
A Brotherly Lesson Yet Learned

Brother #2: Bro.! What's wrong?
Brother #1: I want you to please stop it.
Brother #2: Stop what?
Brother #1: Repeating yourself.
Brother #2: Why?
Brother #1: You sound like a broken record!
Brother #2: How so?
Brother #1: You keep saying the same thing over and over again!
Brother #2: Yup. That's Inculcation for ya.
Brother #1: Yes! SEE!! There ya go again!
Brother #2: Go again what?
Brother #1: You're doing it again!
Brother #2: Doing what again?
Brother #1: Repeating yourself!
Brother #2: What... Inculcation?
Brother #1: YES! Now Stop It!
Brother #2: Inculcating?
Brother #1: AUHRRRGGGG!!!!
Brother #2: Bro.! What's wrong?
in•cul•cate / inˈkəlkāt / Verb:
1.Instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction.
2.Teach (someone) an attitude, idea, or habit by such instruction:
"they will try to inculcate you with a respect for culture".
-------------- BROTHERLY MEMORIES ---------------
It Has Arrived!!!! I just received my copy of Dr. John S Nagy's new book in the mail, personalized to me by the author. Thank You Bro. John, both for the fine book and helping me stoke that Masonic Light.
For Further Light: http://www.coach.net/AB1.htm
-------------- BOOK #16 NOW RELEASED! --------------
Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)
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