Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-11-01


-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

There are some Deeply Spiritual men 
who shall never ever step foot inside 
any religion based facility 
who Desire to Commune with other Seekers 
of like Mind and Spirit. 
For them there is 
and shall always be 
It's a sure bet 
that you are friends 
with at least one of them.

-------------- QUALITY --------------  

What Quality Work 
can you Expect 
from a Brother whose only Claim to Fame 
was that he Remembered what he was Told 
but didn't Understand any of it?
What are you doing to assure 
the candidates in your charge
UNDERSTAND what they are asked
 to remember?
A Strong Lodge 
is not made up of Parrots! 
For Further Light:
  -------------- FOCI --------------  

Focus Upon Your Ashlar!
I recommend that you not try to change anything about:
1) The Lodge
2) Any other Brother
3) The Lodge System
4) Freemasonry as a whole 
or even in part
If you do not heed this advice, you shall find  ongoing frustration should you try to change any of these. You shall also foster a dependence upon something that shall keep you chained.
I highly recommend though that you change
 the way that you approach Freemasonry 
and once this is done, 
focus your efforts upon your own Ashlar 
and Working and Practicing everything 
that the first Three Degrees directs men toward. 
Once you do this successfully, 
you'll find that you have indeed become 
an independent Traveling man 
and you shall attract all sorts of others 
who have done the same. 
Once you do, 
you can meet as you please 
and there shall be nothing 
holding you back when you do. 
You'll also find that you shall attract others 
who want what you have 
and who are willing to Work to have the same skills 
and knowledge that you have 
for themselves.
Be the Example!
For Further Light: 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

The Difference between 
Stumbling Stones and Stepping Stones 
is the Level of Your Approach!

What stones do you 
have in your life?
How do you view them?
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
What is a Pardes to some
 is a home turf to others.
What's your home turf like?
-------------- MYTH --------------  
Candidates should be told this!
"A ritual is the enactment of a myth. 
By participating in the ritual,
 you are participating in the myth. 
And since myth 
is a projection of the depth wisdom of the psyche, 
by participating in a ritual, 
participating in the myth, 
you are being, as it were, 
put in accord with that wisdom, 
which is the wisdom that is inherent within you anyhow. 
Your consciousness is being re-minded of the wisdom of your own life."
-- Joseph Campbell, 
interviewed by Michael Toms, 
New Dimensions Radio

-------------- RUSHED? --------------  
The Way some Brothers 
Brag about how Fast they were Raised 
should also Raise Questions 
as to What was their Rush.
What's the rush
 all about anyway? 
 -------------- WHAT DO YOU GIVE? --------------  
Intolerance and Disharmony 
are Bred and Harbored 
by Those who Demand Respect 
but Refuse to Give it. 
Tolerance is Rooted in What you Value Most. 
When you Value Respect and Harmony,
you shall give it.
For Further Light:
-------------- RIP 007 --------------  
Odd that I posted this two years ago today. 
RIP Dear 007
 -------------- NEW BOOK RELEASE! -------------- 

MY 16th BOOK 

will be available sometime late this week.

PLEASE put your pre-orders in now 
if you would like to reserve a first edition copy
 for your collections.

You can pre-order it here:

Also, please share the link 
if you want to inform others
of its availability.

Thank you in advance!

Coach Nagy
Are you all caught up 
on your reading?
-------------- THE TROWEL --------------  

 The Trowel!
-------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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