Friday, January 5, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-01-05


 -------------- HUMOR --------------


For Further Light:

 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION--------------

-------------- THE REALITY --------------

Post enlightenment behaviors
rarely change from that of pre-enlightenment.
People have a burning desire to know;
they rarely have any burning desire to change;
even when suffering.

 -------------- PAST GLORIES --------------

When you Stop Priding yourself
upon Imagined Past Glories
Wrought by others
and Do the Work
that Brings forth Worthwhile Memories,
you Might just begin to Create
the Awesome Futures you Desire.

 -------------- THE ODDS --------------

You haven't
a snowball's chance in hell
dealing effectively with someone
who knows you better than
you know yourself.

-------------- THE BASIS --------------

When you Understand
the Basis of Craft Practice,
you Begin to Realize
Why Its Problems Continue to Plague it to this day
and what is behind all its Troubles.
To Rise to the Challenge of Rebuilding the Craft,
you must first know what that Challenge is.
Seek the Man Behind the Curtain!

For Further Light: 

-------------- PROJECT MANAGER! --------------

The Raised Male
is not a Brother who earns a title
due to an event
to which he voluntarily subjects himself.
He is a Dedicated Project Manager
who both Embraces & Implements
a never-ending Improvement Process
upon himself and his World.

For Further Light:


 -------------- WHAT?! AGAIN?! --------------

Are Reincarnation Naysayers
Doomed to Return
Until They Change Their Minds? 

-------------- THANKS! --------------

"New reading material! 
I would like to thank Brother John S Nagy
  for helping expand our knowledge!"
-- Bro. Nick Silvers, 1/5/2015 

For Further Light:  

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- PSA -------------- 

PSA of the Day!

Sublime (adj.)
1. Characterized by nobility; majestic.
2. a. Of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth.
2. b. Not to be excelled; supreme.
3. Inspiring awe; impressive.
4. Archaic Raised aloft; set high.
5. Obsolete Of lofty appearance or bearing; haughty:
Sublime (noun)
1. Something sublime.
2. An ultimate example.
(Verb). sub·limed, sub·lim·ing, sub·limes
1. To render sublime.
2. Chemistry To cause to sublimate.
v.intr. Chemistry
To sublimate.
[French, from Old French, sublimated, from Latin sublmis, uplifted.]
Etymology - 1580s, "expressing lofty ideas in an elevated manner," from M.Fr. sublime, from L. sublimis "uplifted, high, lofty," possibly originally "sloping up to the lintel," from sub "up to" + limen "lintel." The sublime "the sublime part of anything" is from 1670s. Sublime Porte, former title of the Ottoman government, is from Fr. la Sublime Porte, lit. "the high gate," a loan-translation of Arabic Bab 'Ali, title of the Ottoman court at Constantinople.

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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