Friday, January 19, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-01-19


-------------- SAD REALITY --------------

When you want to attract and keep members,
you have to provide agendas that
won't kill interest in continued participation.

You must provide programs that support your members
in becoming Better Men,
rather than just Better Members.

Programs that support the Organization alone
will do no good

to those who want what was put forth 
as promising to them.

When they remain unfulfilled,
they will soon recognize the façade,
turn away,
and travel toward what they believe
to be greener pastures. 
What can you do to assure your Lodge
has more opportunities to be fulfilled?

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------


For Further Light:

Religion vs. Religious

-------------- COACH'S CHALLENGE --------------

It seems the unimaginable has happened.
The candidates in your charge have gotten a hold
of some anti-freemasonic literature.
They are asking about the differences between
"religion" and "religious"
and how it applies to Freemasonry.

Your WM got wind of this (some how),
is concerned and has put you to task to address this issue
in a professional and informative manner.

Your Task:

1) Clearly research the differences between
the words "religion" and "religious",
carefully denoting their definitions
and specific manners of use.

2) Draw clear distinctions between
the two words and prepare sufficiently
to present applicable examples of each
where the other word is clearly not applicable.

3) Create a presentation for these and future candidates
explaining how this information applies to Freemasonry.


 -------------- CHANGES --------------

 Change the people around you - Unknown [Image] : GetMotivated

-------------- TRUE RESEARCH --------------

"...Special THANKS Coach Nagy at Building Builders, 
For the inspiration this morning."
~ Jon Patrick Sage, Jan 19, 2017
A hat tip to you Brother Jon!

-------------- IMAGINE! --------------

Sometimes in life,
nothing less than an Image
of a Capable Knight in Shining Armor
Mounted upon an Unstoppable Steed
Embossed in your Heart
will do.

What image to you hold in YOUR heart?

-------------- WHAT IS LOST --------------

For Further Light:

-------------- BOND STONE --------------

The Perpend Ashlar,
also called a "Bondstone, Connector Stone or Tie Stone",
is used to connect the inner and outer walls,
among other uses.

It both connects and penetrates these walls.
It also represents the peak in Masonic Development,
a Mature and Wise Male
capable of making connections
and penetrating veils
that others are incapable of doing.

For Further Light:
Building Perpends

-------------- VALIDATION MACHINE --------------

-------------- MASON WITHOUT A CAUSE --------------

-------------- ROAD BLOCKS --------------
No Matter How Many Ways
You Tell an Unprepared Heart
It's Still Unprepared
to Hear You. 
For Further Light:
-------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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