Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-01-09


-------------- HUMOR --------------

Have you ever wondered as to
why certain topics are banned
from discussion in open lodge?

Without a Ordered Heart and
Proper Trivium Training
Specific Topics will be Banned.


You have to get the basics down first!

Free Speech without
an Ordered Heart
and Proper Trivium Training
will cause Specific Topics
to be Banned...

 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------

-------------- OPINIONS --------------


-------------- BETTER THOUGHTS --------------

Your Best Thoughts
Shall Cause Problems
That Only Better Thoughts Can Solve.

-------------- STUDY! --------------

You can't Seriously Study
either Theology or Philosophy
when you have yet to
Lay Firm your Heart and Head Foundations.

-------------- KNOW! --------------

There shall always be
those who Detrimentally Harness
other's Myths,
most especially when those others
are not aware of the Myths they Embrace.
Know well the Myths you Embrace!

And don't myth the point!
It's a good one!

 -------------- GNOW! --------------

...and it's history!

…and those who do study
the history of theology
are doomed
to stand by helplessly
while everyone else
insanely repeats it…

 -------------- IMMERSION --------------

...and immerse them in Allegory.

For Further Light:

-------------- SHINE! --------------

It's so Pleasant
to Shine Brightly
and not have Darkness Reply.

-------------- BETTER --------------

A Brother Asks: How does mastering ritual make good men better?

Response: It doesn't. It no more makes good men better than mastering any other map.
It is only by recognizing, understanding and applying it toward the territory it represents that you become better, and only if you do so with the intent and methods of betterment. Otherwise, it just sits on the bookshelf of your mind, collecting dust, being eaten by the mind's silverfish or worse, rotting.

Pointing to it, pulling it out and waving it in the faces of others, or worse, boasting about how well you have preserved it without using it to travel within its alluded to territory, is the ultimate insult to its creation.

Ritual Mastery does not make you Better; Suitably and Appropriately Applying it toward your life does.
There Is No Transformation for The Better Without Work That Transforms for The Better! Mastering Ritual is only Installing the Map, but is it not the Work that Occurs to Follow It!!
Additionally, one cannot make another one better. All one can do is lead by example. The other must co-operate with what is offered in a self-changing way to have any change occur. It is insane to think one can change another. Freemasonry doesn't make good men better. 
It is only the individual who consistently applies Masonic Principles that improves. 
It's called, "Self-improvement" for a reason!

-------------- SOLVE THEM! --------------

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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