Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-01-02


-------------- MARKETING --------------


So, you want the Fraternity to be Well-Known?
Start Making Good Man Better a Reality for
Every man who Joins! That's the Best
Marketing you shall ever get.

What does YOUR Lodge provide to its members
that assists them in becoming Better Men?
What is that Betterment?

 -------------- YOUR APPROACH --------------

You can Approach Freemasonry
as a Vehicle to Further Flights of Fantasy
ne'r to Firmly Ground yourself
or as a Toolbox
readied to Build a Foundation
in Reality Worth Living.
Choose Wisely!

 -------------- TOOL BOX --------------


 -------------- LODGE --------------

The Lodge is not
any Building you Go To;
It's a Gathering of Men
with Good Intent
and Good Purpose!

-------------- PSA --------------

Your New Year
shall not be Any Different
if you Remain the Same.
Change, for the Better!

-------------- DO THE WORK! --------------

It's Truly Troubling
to see so many men not doing the Work
that Ritual Espouses.
You can tell who they are
by how big an Ashlar
they have become since Joining.

-------------- HUMOR --------------

...or my dismay...

-------------- DEVOTION TO TRUTH --------------

 We need a lot more noble heroes...
...Be Bold this year!

-------------- NOTIONS --------------

The Romantic Notion of Ancient Brethren
has Kept far too many Brothers
Resting Pride-fully upon the Laurels of Others.
Some eventually do learn
to Pride themselves
upon their own Achievements!

-------------- RELIEF --------------

Relief is a crucial Masonic Tenet.
It is not what many Masons 
have been lead to Believe though. 
Relief is Fundamentally
 what Apprentice Work provides when Done. 
It unBurdens those who Perform it. 
Masonic Relief is Founded upon this Work. 
It's utterly astonishing how many men 
Desperately hold on to Unnecessary 
and Excessive Burdens 
and hence find no Relief whatsoever.
Here are the results of completing that Work -

 -------------- REVIEW --------------

 “'To make good men, better'
– this is the laudable mission of the Craft of Freemasonry.
Many men pass through its ceremonies
without any awareness of how
it accomplishes this mission.
In his new book,
“The Craft Unmasked”
Bro. Nagy allows us to glimpse behind the curtain
of the ceremonies and rituals of the fraternity.
He offers a fresh perspective of
the history behind the ceremonies
and provides readers points to consider
in the mechanism at work within the Degrees
and the ways in which they influence men to become better.
This is not just another historical expose on the Craft.
It is an exploration that goes deeper
than previous works have offered before.
This book is a very worthwhile read
and a useful tool in the education
of the members of your Lodge.
I highly recommend it."

-- Bro. Steve Joyce ;-)

(Thanks again Brother Steve!)

For Further Light:

-------------- PSA -------------- 

Don't confuse "forgiveness" with "forgetfulness" and "re-Trusting".
One can forgive offenses,
but one would be foolish to forget offenses
that go uncorrected
and to re-trust an untrustworthy individual.
Once someone has offended you,
it is your responsibility to assure
that an appropriate boundary
is both Established and Maintained
so that future offenses do not occur
-- for your sake and for other's sake.

Forgiveness entails "clean up". It should never include:

1) continuing to place trust in a person
who shows no signs of correcting offensive behavior, or
2) forgetting the character of such a person
and setting yourself up for another offense.

To continue to trust someone who is untrustworthy
is simply insane.
This doesn't mean you cannot
forgive the person for the offense.
It simply means that forgiveness
doesn't mean re-trusting. 
There is much more to it!

For Further Light:

-------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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