Saturday, April 20, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-04-20


-------------- V&Ss --------------  

When you have not done the Work, 
it's always something you overlooked 
that gets you off balance.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- DIVEST! -------------- 
Divest: Vices and Superfluities!
But First: Know what they are!
-------------- WHY! --------------  

-------------- YOU BECOME... --------------  

 "If you love masonry. You will understand."
-- Bro. Jim Marion,
-------------- ANOTHER CAVE... --------------  
In Your Quest for Light, Don't Exchange One Cave for Another.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Do you want to know what your Passion is? 
Just look at what you put up with 
to get what you want; 
there's your sign clearly put forth. 
If you still tolerate 
to get what you want afterward, 
that's your passion for sure.
-------------- HUMOR -------------- 

(Hat Tip to Bro. Jay Morris...!)
 -------------- MYTH --------------  
"Shakespeare said that art is a mirror held up to nature. 
And that’s what it is. 
The nature is your nature, 
and all of these wonderful poetic images of mythology 
are referring to something in you. 
When your mind is simply trapped
by the image out there 
so that you never make the reference to yourself, 
you have misread the image."
-- Joseph Campbell (with Bill Moyers), The Power of Myth
And when you do (get trapped), 
you Chain yourself to a wall within a Freemasonic Cave, 
never to see anything but shadows caused by Masonry's Light.
 -------------- MYTH TOO --------------  
The Matrix* was never about Neo, Morpheus, Agent Smith or The Architect. 
It was always about the Source, the "Mother" who made them all! 
* Origin -- late Middle English (in the sense ‘womb’): from Latin, ‘breeding female,’ later ‘womb,’ from mater, matr- ‘mother.’
-------------- ALLUDES... --------------  
Ritual alludes to Truths. It is not The Truth.  
-------------- EPY! --------------  
-------------- HOSTAGE... --------------  

I shan't be Held Hostage to Ignorance,
 if within my Power to Prevent
I Live in Hope that the same Holds true 
for all Brothers.  
-------------- LITERALLY! -------------- 

The more Literal you try to Be, 
The more Illiterate you will Become.
(Thanks again Jeff!)
 -------------- CHALLENGE -------------- 

1) What was the original book used to administer Stone Mason Oaths?
2) What book eventually replaced it during the Freemasonic Grand Lodge Era?
3) What year did that original book get replaced?
 -------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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