Thursday, April 25, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-04-25


-------------- FILED UNDER: MALAPROPS... --------------  
Nope. I'm pretty sure 
that I didn't hear you say 
"Cable Tow"...
-------------- THE CRAFT MASTERED! -------------- 

For Further Light:

-------------- BEFORE... --------------  
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"You enter the forest at the darkest point, 
where there is no path. 
Where there is a way or path,
 it is someone else’s path. 
You are not on your own path. 
If you follow someone else’s way, 
you are not going to realize your potential."
-- Joseph Campbell
-------------- WTS... --------------  

-------------- IN DEPTH! --------------  
When You Drink From Its Shallows,
 Don't Expect Anything In Depth.

-------------- THE OFFERING... --------------   
The Power of Freemasonry 
is in What it Offers, 
not in What it Actually Does. 
What does it Offer you?
-------------- OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! --------------  

An Opportunity to Play 
the Role of a Lifetime!
-------------- DON'T BURY YOUR SOUL --------------  
When you Bury your Soul in Maps, 
you Keep yourself Away 
from the very Territory those Maps 
mean for you to Experience
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-04-24


-------------- GENERATION GAP --------------  

And the Great War continues, 
from one generation to the next...
What measures are you taking to bridge the generation gap?
How's it working?
What more can you do?
Please!  Let us know!
For Further Light:

(Hat tip to my good Brothers at Robert Butler Lodge No. 305!)

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

 (Hat top to Bro. Edwin Lamour!)
-------------- MISSING THE MARK --------------  

-------------- MEMORIZATION --------------  

Memorization should NOT be abandoned. 
It is however quite clear that in far too many cases 
Proficiency has degraded to Memorization without Understanding. 
The Foundation must be laid for any Building to Rise firmly. 
Memorization is but the beginning of that Building process. 
The problem is that typically 
nothing is Built upon that Foundation 
once it is laid.
 For Further Light:
Memory Work

-------------- LOGIC -------------- 
 Abductive Reasoning at its best!
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
You can't Honestly call yourself 
"a Builder" 
when you Don't "Build" 
with the Blueprints you Memorized. 
-------------- MYTH --------------  
Sit in a room 
and read–
and read and read. 
And read the right books 
by the right people. 
Your mind is brought onto that level, 
and you have a nice, 
slow-burning rapture 
all the time.  
-- Joseph Campbell
  -------------- RUFF --------------  

Three Blind Men, Three Blind Men
 See how they Ruff, See how they Ruff!
 They Ruffed right after The Master’s Word
 But misunderstood What remained unheard
 Did you ever See Such ignorance Assured
 As Three Blind Men?

For Further Light:
-------------- CONSTITUTIONAL CATECHISM --------------  

 There shall be no better time
 to read up on this, 
before books like this 
are forever removed from public eyes.
For Further Light from 1828:

-------------- TEMPERANCE! --------------  

 "The problem with people who have no vices
 is that generally you can be pretty sure 
they're going to have some 
pretty annoying virtues." 
-- Elizabeth Taylor

 -------------- MISLEADING -------------- 

 (WARNING!: Think twice before you assume this is quoting ritual
HINT: It is NOT quoting Ritual!)
My Brother, 
did you not comprehend the significance of the statement, 
" becomes my duty to inform you that 
you are not yet a Master Mason, 
and it is doubtful whether you ever will be..." 
when you first heard it? 
 For Further Light:  

 -------------- END --------------   

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-04-23


-------------- SIGH... --------------  

Dealing with the Public
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

For Further Light:
-------------- OBSERVE... --------------   

Should you ever be tempted to ask 
a Master Mason what Masterpiece he created 
to deserve the title he wears, don't. 
Just observe his behavior 
you shall know soon enough.
 -------------- POINTS... --------------  
  What's Your Point?
 For Further Light:

-------------- BROTHERLY SUPPORT --------------  

-------------- ALLUSIONS --------------  
'Tis a Wonderful thing to Know 
the true Intent of the Creators of Metaphors! '
Tis a Terrible thing to be unskilled 
in the seven liberal arts & sciences.
Like many Allegorical Allusions,
 the Masks that are so often 
pulled over Unknowing Eyes 
Reflect More about the Assumptive Character 
of Their Owners 
than the Creators of the Metaphors.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

-------------- MYTH --------------  
-------------- DRIVERS --------------  

 FILED UNDER: Check Your Driver!

What Drives far too many Religious Views 
is what Believers Want to Happen to Others 
and not for Others.
-------------- FOND MEMORIES! --------------  
A Building Better Builders Workshop 
with my Brothers 
5 years ago 
@ Tecumseh Masonic Lodge 69!
I've since then incorporated 
many zoom meetings
for these presentations!
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

 PS: Subscribe to get daily notifications

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