-------------- TRINITY 101--------------
1) Believe not that you are a Physical Being having a Spiritual Experience!
2) Believe not that you are a Spiritual Being having a Physical Experience!
3) Know deeply that you are both a Physical and Spiritual Being having a uniquely Human Experience.
4) How you choose to view this Trinitarian Experience is both your blessing and your curse!
5) Believing items 1) or 2) will distract you from your uniquely Human Experience.
6) Believing items 1) or 2) will misdirect your uniquely Human Experience.
7) Believing items 1) or 2) will dull the clarity of your uniquely Human Experience.
8) Your uniquely Human Experience and all that unfolds from this Experience is your Soul.
9) What you do with your uniquely Human Experience is your God Given Choice.
10) Choose well!
If you have not put it all together yet...
1) The EA degree Work cultivates your heart and brings order to its chaos.
2) The FC degree Work cultivates your head and brings order to its chaos.
3) The heart and the head, as in, your emotions and your thinking, constitute your soul!
4) When you do the Work of the first two degrees, you bring Order to the Chaos of your soul!
5) It is only AFTER you bring order to the chaos of your soul, that you can truly build your Spiritual Building (MM Work!)
-------------- HUMOR 1 --------------
I received this from a dearly respected and insightful Brother:
Grand Lodge Officer visited one of the Lodges in his District and was
somewhat put off to find that the total number of Brethren in attendance
that night was only ten.
At the end of the meeting, he was
given opportunity to speak to the Lodge and as he did, he expressed his
feelings regarding the small number in attendance.
"It really
was a very poor turn-out for your monthly meeting tonight my Brothers.
You barely had enough to open the Lodge", he said with his face showing
great disapproval.
He then asked, "Were the Brethren formally notified that I was coming?"
"No", quickly responded the Worshipful Master adding, "but I guess the news must have leaked out anyway."
-------------- HUMOR 2 --------------

Oh My!
-------------- THE POINT --------------
Brothers bestowed
with the label "Master"
who have yet to Earnestly
a near Unquenchable Thirst
for Further Light
and Methods to
Find It
have Missed the Point
of the Raising Ceremony.
-------------- MYTH --------------

can’t predict what a myth is going to be any more than you can predict
what you’re going to dream tonight. Myths and dreams come from the same
place. They come from realizations of some kind that have then to find
expression in symbolic form. And the only myth that is going to be worth
thinking about in the immediate future is one that is talking about the
planet, not the city, not these people, but the planet, and everybody
on it. That’s my main thought for what the future myth is going to be.
what it will have to deal with will be exactly what all myths have
dealt with—the maturation of the individual, from dependency through
adulthood, through maturity, and then to the exit; and then how to
relate to this society and how to relate this society to the world of
nature and the cosmos. That’s what the myths have all talked about, and
what this one’s got to talk about. But the society that it’s got to talk
about is the society of the planet. And until that gets going, you don’t have anything.”
-- Joseph Campbell & The Power of Myth, with Bill Moyers"
-------------- LIVE IT! --------------
If you don't Live it,
you ain't Travelin'!
-------------- RISK IT! --------------
you have yet
to Determine
what is Important
and what is Unimportant,
you Risk Setting Priorities
that are Utter Non-sense
and quite
-------------- BOOKS --------------
I lost count at 2000...
hey! Should I have included e-books in that number?
-------------- CHALLENGE--------------
What progress will you have made 10 years from now?
-------------- THE BEST --------------
Without Any Doubt,
Masons Have Absolutely
The Best Ashlars Around!
-------------- SET THEM! --------------
Lofty Goals
are Pale in Significance
to Steady Progress
made toward Achieving Anything
that is Worthwhile.
-------------- WANDER! --------------
Some Wander Aimlessly
through Deserts of Self-Improvement;
Others Wander Purposefully
Toward their Oases.
-------------- BE THE KEY! --------------
you're Present to Harmony
in the Face of Overwhelming Diversity
and are
Moved to Express Tears of Joy
without Reservation,
God has Blessed you
and Kissed your Heart and Soul.
Be a Key
for others to Sing to!
-------------- BROTHERLY QUOTE --------------
you stumble, there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to
turns out to be the source of
what you are looking for." -- Bro. Joseph Campbell
First Page Quote in Bro. John S Nagy's Book
"The Journeyman Papers"
-- Brother Ian Jagger Gibb-Wilson, January 16, 2019
Found here:
-------------- END --------------
Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)
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