-------------- EASY DOES IT! --------------
If It Were Easy,
Everyone Would Wear
A Master's Title.
If It Were Easy,
Everyone Would Wear
A Master's Title.
-------------- THE INSANITY --------------
Insanity of Expecting Mastery
from an Experience
is only Overshadowed
by calling Someone "Master"
who has Yet to Build
a Masterpiece.
from an Experience
is only Overshadowed
by calling Someone "Master"
who has Yet to Build
a Masterpiece.
Ruffians are, by their very nature, Fundamentalists.
They truly believe a Word exists that,
if possessed by them,
can be spoken or written to enable them
to Travel, Work, Earn, Support and Contribute Masterfully.
They don't Understand Metaphor!
Hence they pursue what they don't understand
with great zeal and destruction.
They truly believe a Word exists that,
if possessed by them,
can be spoken or written to enable them
to Travel, Work, Earn, Support and Contribute Masterfully.
They don't Understand Metaphor!
Hence they pursue what they don't understand
with great zeal and destruction.
-------------- UNTHINKABLE --------------
-------------- FOOTPRINTS! --------------
admit that there could exist
a distinction between Masonry and Freemasonry
is to open the door to self-reflection,
and self examination.
For some men that is an unthinkable act
to be avoided at all costs.
a distinction between Masonry and Freemasonry
is to open the door to self-reflection,
and self examination.
For some men that is an unthinkable act
to be avoided at all costs.
For Further Light:
Far too many People
are Too Enamored by Footprints
to Ever Seek what Drove the Men
who Made them.
-------------- TRADITION! --------------
You'd think as Important as
Freemasonic Tradition is supposed to be,
that Entrance into the Fraternity
would be around 14 years of age,
Passing would not occur until
7 solid years of Apprenticeship was Actually Served
and that Proficiency Actually Demonstrated
Something Significant.
Freemasonic Tradition is supposed to be,
that Entrance into the Fraternity
would be around 14 years of age,
Passing would not occur until
7 solid years of Apprenticeship was Actually Served
and that Proficiency Actually Demonstrated
Something Significant.
-------------- PROPER PREPARATION --------------
of all unnecessarily excessive Burdens
is to Properly Prepare himself
to be Burdened with
the Role of "Master".
-------------- TRAVEL PREP --------------
-------------- THE MASTER --------------
Masters have Mastered
Learning and Teaching;
Apprentices are still
Laying those Foundations.
Travel starts with
the Discovery of the Master's Word.
Everything before that event
is mere Travel Preparation
coupled with coming to Understand fully
that it can't be given you.
the Discovery of the Master's Word.
Everything before that event
is mere Travel Preparation
coupled with coming to Understand fully
that it can't be given you.
-------------- W:. S:. B:. --------------

That was:
Wisdom, Strength & Beauty!
Knowledge, Power & Glitter!
Wisdom, Strength & Beauty!
Knowledge, Power & Glitter!
For Further Light:
Getting that Word!
Getting that Word!
Learning and Teaching;
Apprentices are still
Laying those Foundations.
-------------- MASTERY --------------
Mastery is not the end of education;
it is only its beginning!
it is only its beginning!
For Further Light:
The Craft Mastered!
The Craft Mastered!
-------------- THE WORD --------------
To what have you
given your life?
given your life?
-------------- THE WORD --------------
-------------- END --------------
Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)
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