Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Point


-------------- THE POINT! --------------

Every Flower of Life
is a composite of Points within Circles
made up of Brothers
who are both the Point for themselves
and the surrounding Circumference for their Brothers. 

Each Brother is
a Circumpunct
who can create wonderful arrangements
with Brothers who are well enough Centered
to do both. 

-------------- THE SUPPORT! --------------

For every Circumpunct
within a well-constructed Flower of Life,
there exists natural Flanking.

-------------- THE FLANKING! --------------

A Brother is but an ordinary Circumpunct,
but Properly placing that Brother
within the Flower of Life
brings about Flanking that Transforms him
from ordinary to Extraordinary,
yea even a Star of Great Value. 

Simply put:
Brothers can make you Shine!

-------------- THE CHALLENGE! --------------

Don't fool yourself
into thinking the Craft have changed.

The Craft are no different today
than in years past.

The Challenge is
and shall always be
leading the Craft toward Maturity
and in such a way as for them
to actually attain it Masterfully.

Each Generation of Craft Brothers
has in it the potential to dismiss this Challenge
with every fiber of their being,
thereby causing the very problems
that continue to plague the Craft
to this day and beyond.

It is not what is external
that creates the illusion
that the Craft have changed.

It is the dismissal of what lay
dormant, untapped and un-nurtured
deep within each of them
that remain seeds of possibilities
that keeps them unchanging.   

-------------- THE WHOLE! --------------


 Your Circumpunct
could be part of something Grand.

-------------- THE START! --------------

The Point is...

It all begins with you! 



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