Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Random Building Thoughts - 2022-01-25


-------------- GET STARTED --------------
Know Your Foundational Efforts!
For any Foundation to be Firmly Founded,
Self-Leadership must first occur 
and do so without fail. This means:
1) Hearts (Emotions - Passions and Desires)
Must be Subdued and Circumscribed,

2) Rubbish (V&S)
Must be Summarily and Thoroughly Divested,

3) Priorities (Values-Beliefs-Morals-Ethics)
Must be Set,

4) Standards and Boundaries
Must be Established,

5) Time
Must be Managed,

6) Responsibility
Must be Accepted,

7) Accountability
Must be Embraced,

8) Integrity
Must be Sought and Kept,

9) Boaz (Manly Virtues)
Must be Well-Established.

10) Unfailing Honest and Rigorous Self-Reflection
Must occur Regularly.
Do these "Musts" look familiar?
If they do not,
you have not moved beyond
the Apprentice stage
and your Foundation
is most likely unformed
and unnecessarily Burdened.

For Further Light:
-------------- SIGNS --------------
An Unformed or Weak Foundation
that is Cluttered by Rubbish
is a Clear and Certain Sign
of a Weak and Burdened Worker. 
-------------- MATURITY --------------
Craft Maturity
is wholly Dependent upon
member Maturity.
Immature members
make not Mature Craft.
For Further Light:

-------------- UNBIASED RESEARCH --------------

A Brother Asks: What is one of the biggest challenges faced by Freemasonic researchers?
My Response: The biggest challenges? Obtaining and Understanding Unbiased and Untainted Society information and Using the same to Produce Materials that are Unbiased and Untainted.
Let me explain...  Biggest Challenge...
-------------- DESIRE! --------------
(Hat tip to Bro. Ronny Aasterud!) 
-------------- CATALOG --------------
The Sooner that you Realize
Freemasonic Ritual
is only an Oral Card Catalog
for Things Alluded to,
the Sooner you can Focus Upon
its True Purpose
and Not Whose Catalog
is Better, Genuine or Real.
Ritual is not the End,
at least Not for those
who know what it's for!
-------------- ACT UPON --------------
Memorization has Tremendous Value
when you Know and Understand
what you Memorize.
Always Act upon
a Clear & Well-Founded Understanding!
For Further Light:
-------------- INVITING CURTAIN FOR CERTAIN -------------- 

Ritual is a Curtain,
That Invites
the Blind to See. 
 -------------- QUESTING --------------
"What is it we are questing for?
It is the fulfillment of that
which is potential in each of us. 

"Questing for it is not an ego trip;
it is an adventure to bring into fulfillment
your gift to the world,
which is yourself.
There is nothing you can do
that's more important than being fulfilled.
You become a sign,
you become a signal,
transparent to transcendence;
in this way you will find, live,
become a realization of your own personal myth."
-- Joseph Campbell, Pathways to Bliss
 Isn't this what religions are meant to do?
Kick start us on a quest?
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------

-------------- END --------------  

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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