Thursday, November 12, 2020

Random Building Thoughts - 2020-11-12


 -------------- HUMOR ---------------

For Further Light:  


For Further Light:

 -------------- UNNECESSARY LOSS ---------------

 -------------- TEASER ---------------


Chapter XIII - The First Freemason

 -------------- DIRECTION ---------------

For Further Light:


 -------------- INSIGHT ---------------

  -------------- THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ---------------      

“Guilt is the most useless of all erroneous behaviors. It is by far the greatest waste of emotional energy.


Because, by definition, you are feeling immobilized in the present over something that has already taken place, and no amount of guilt can ever change history.”
--Dr. Wayne Dyer


This is where the good Dr. (God rest his soul) and I part ways.

Guilt was never about changing history. It was always about helping us recognize when we are called to change our ways into the future if we are to honor what we know to be past wrongful behavior.

Guilt is an emotion that tells us that we have transgressed a value we hold dear which was a past action that requires present amends and it keeps us focused upon that past action's correction. This means it is a message to us sent bu us in the form of a specific pattern in our energy and that makes it very useful when we use it to make corrections.

Guilt doesn't immobilize anyone. If anything, it tells us that we must mobilize our energy and direct that energy toward corrective behavior.

There is a down side to guilt though. When a guilt trip is put upon us, we are being coerced by someone else's values to suffer unnecessarily for a transgression that someone else believes is important and we take that on as our own OR the other person is holding us to account for an action that they will never allow us to make amends for. In either case, these are toxic situations that require use to examine what we truly value in that relationship, because it is truly no longer about the transgression. It is about the leverage we give to the other person. Either way, it's no longer about the guilt itself, but how the guilt can be used to make us suffer rather than make amends. 

Once recognized for what a guilt trip actually is, we must be the ones who change regardless of resistance. The manipulators want things to continue unchanged for they have the advantage if all things remain the same. 

It's our refusal to change that keeps us stuck!

-- Coach Nagy


For Further Light: Found Here!

  -------------- END ---------------       

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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