Friday, November 13, 2020

Random Building Thoughts - 2020-11-13



  -------------- HUMOR ---------------  

May your 2020 Friday the 13th be memorable! 


  -------------- COACH'S CHALLENGE ---------------


A BROTHER ASKS YOU: ... I am researching York Rite and the rituals used by the symbolic degrees of York Rite. I have found much information on

Preston, Webb, and others but nothing on Duncan and his ritual. The only information on the internet is that a Malcolm C Duncan wrote Duncan' ritual circa 1866. No information about Duncan. Can you help me or direct me to sources that may help me?


1) Identify sources that provide biographical information on "Malcolm C Duncan".
2) Provide an outline of his background.
3) Share this information with your Brothers.

-------------- INSIGHTS ---------------  

When your Performance Zone, your Ability Zone and your Comfort Zone are Unified with all present and all in agreement, you've Raised and Positioned yourself for Further growth.

  -------------- BRO. MACKEY ---------------  

 “How is the history of Freemasonry to be written, so that the narrative shall win the respect of its enemies , and secure the assent and approbation of its friends? In the first place, we must begin by a strict definition of the word Masonry. If we make it synonymous with Freemasonry, then must we confine ourselves closely to the events that are connected with the Institution in its present form and organization. …
… No greater honor could accrue to any man than that of having been the founder of a new school of Masonic history, in which the fictions and loose statements of former writers would be rejected, and in which the rule would be adopted that has been laid down as a vital maxim of all inductive science, — in words that have been chosen as his motto by a recent powerful investigator of historical truth:
'Not to exceed and not to fall short of facts — not to add and not to take away. To state the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.'"
– Bro. Albert C. Mackey 33° (History of Freemasonry; Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 1917 edition)

  -------------- TEMPERANCE ---------------  

   -------------- TEASE ---------------  

For Further Light:

      -------------- GL AL MEMORIES 2019 ---------------   

               -------------- WARNING ---------------           

         -------------- MYTHOLOGY ---------------       

"The function of myth is to put us in sync—with ourselves, with our social group, and with the environment in which we live.

"One of the most interesting and simple ways to get this message is from the mythologies of the Navaho. Every single detail of the desert in which they live has been deified, and the land has become a holy land because it is revelatory of mythological entities. When you recognize the mythological aspect of Mother Nature, you have turned nature itself into an icon, into a holy picture, so that wherever you go, you’re getting the message that the divine power is working for you.

"Modern culture has desanctified our landscape and we think that to go to the holy land we have to go to Jerusalem. The Navaho would say, ' This is it, and you’re it.' "
-- Joseph Campbell, Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine, p.19

           -------------- END ---------------     

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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