Saturday, November 28, 2020

Random Building Thoughts - 2020-11-28


 -------------- HUMOR --------------

Do you see a content child or,
based upon social indoctrination,
you see far more than what is offered? 

If you cannot see the best of intentions in what is offered to you by your Brothers,
how do you think your
un-subdued judgements of their best efforts to offer you humor
is going to train them to treat you as judgmentally in return?


Would you prefer stripping it down like this?

Of course, the moment you allow your freedom of expression to be tempered by those who choose to have their freedom of interpretation to be imposed upon and to override everything you do, you then open up the door to further attacks, restrictions, censorship and restraints.

AND, there will be no end to it once you open that door.

 -------------- COACH'S CHALLENGE --------------

It seems the unimaginable has happened. The candidates in your charge have gotten a hold of some anti-freemasonic literature. They are asking about the differences between "religion" and "religious" and how it applies to Freemasonry. Your WM got wind of this (some how), is concerned and has put you to task to address this issue in a professional and informative manner.

Your Task:

1) Clearly research the differences between the words "religion" and "religious", carefully denoting their definitions and specific manners of use.
2) Draw clear distinctions between the two words and prepare sufficiently to present applicable examples of each where the other word is clearly not applicable.
3) Create a presentation for these and future candidates explaining how this information applies to Freemasonry.

 -------------- CREDIBILITY --------------

-------------- INSIGHT --------------

-------------- GRATITUDE --------------

 -------------- MEANING --------------

For Further Light:

-------------- ROOTS --------------

 For further Light:

-------------- HISTORY --------------

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!

-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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