Friday, May 24, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2023-05-24


-------------- PEACE --------------  


"He that would live
  in peace and at ease,
 Must not speak all he knows,
  nor judge all he sees."

-- Bro. Benjamin Franklin
-------------- MEMORIES! --------------

Here's a video I produced back in 2011 for the WEOFM (Worldwide Exemplification Of Free Masonry) project. 
It's Broken into 4 episodes. 
At that time it had over a million views and was top ranked on the project at times.
ALL 4 EPISODES are available on my YouTube channel.
If you like them, please watch them all the way through and subscribe to my channel. 
-------------- PUSHING LIMITS --------------  
When You're Pushing This Button, 
You're More Likely Pushing 
The Limits Of Your Legitimacy. 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

"Dignity does not consist in possessing honors,
 but in deserving them." 
- Aristotle
-------------- NEW STANDARDS --------------  

What new Standard do you Set 
when you See Something Wrong, 
Make No Effort to Correct It, 
Excuse It as Acceptable,
 and Summarily Support Its Existence?
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
This was a surprise when I first found out... 
Star Wars is a Hollywood remake!
-------------- LEARNING --------------  
 Learning entails 
discovering which set of internal
 and external actions do work 
and which do not work 
and then diligently training your mind and body 
to automatically respond with those actions 
that work to produce the best results 
consistently and without fail.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

"The influence of a vital person vitalizes, 
there’s no doubt about it. 
The world without spirit is wasteland. 
People have the notion of saving the world 
by shifting things around, 
changing the rules, and who’s on top,
 and so forth. 
No, no! 
Any world is a valid world if it’s alive. 
The thing to do is to bring life to it, 
and the only way to do that 
is to find in your own case where the life is 
and become alive yourself.”
-- Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, with Bill Moyers
This is why I say "have more hecatombs".
Clearly, there are NOT enough hecatombs!

-------------- LONG TERM --------------  

When your Approach 
is to just Memorize, 
you're not Thinking Long Term.
For Further Light:
 -------------- OUR WORST ENEMIES --------------  
 For those of you who 
truly cannot help 
but react...
 A Brother Asks: 
-------------- COURTSHIP --------------  
Regarding Accelerated Progression: 
Why in God's name 
would you want to miss out 
on the Courtship? 
Dismiss the Courtship, 
Suffer the Marriage.
-------------- WORK --------------  
Work: The necessary activity all Masons must engage in 
which develops them toward Mastery 
and eventually into Masterful Builders. 
These activities include any self-development actions 
that are referred to within 
the first three Degrees, Rituals, Lectures 
and Proficiencies of Freemasonry; 
Engaging a three-fold Maturation process 
focused upon the 
a) Heart (Emotional), 
b) Mind (Mental) and 
c) Spirit (Spiritual).

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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