Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-14


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

Here's the story, 
of a man named Curly, 
who had 2 strange friends of his own, 
they were three men 
on a zoom call 
but they were all alone.

Here's a story, 
of a man named "Mackey", 
who was busy with brothers of his own. 
They were brothers 
lodging all together, 
yet they were all locked down.
-------------- THE HOLE STORY --------------  
When you don't know, you're not informed!
When you think you know, you may be ill-informed.
When you do know, you've done your Work Squarely
and with well-tempered adhesive!

The word, "cowan" originally meant "Hollow". Masons who built with unsquared Stones and without bonding agents (Mortar and Cement) naturally created cowans building this way. They were called, "Cowaners" or simply "Cowans". Since they built in this manner, their constructions were referred to as "Dry Walls or Dykes" and them "Dry Wallers or Dykers".

They served Apprenticeships and those who Mastered the trade were called “Master Rough Masons” or “Master Cowans”. They were Accepted and active members of Stonecraft Organizations (Operative Guilds) and there exists many entries in the Lodge minutes denoting this.

It was only after the Grand Lodge Era that Speculative Brothers wrongfully labeled them as "pretenders to the craft" and proscribed Cowans as “unaffiliated, unskilled and unapprenticed” workers. In their Speculation, they wrongly assumed much, not being Operative in their knowledge.

The fallout of their accepted Speculations is that generations of Brothers have been wrongly taught to focus upon keeping individuals called “Cowans” out of the Lodge rather than making sure that they themselves did not bring cowans in the form of “hollows created by unsquared and unmortared work” into the lodge when they enter it to communicate with their Brothers. 
This major shift in focus and definition has plagued the Craft ever since.

Source: The Hole Story

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

The 15 ruffians in the HA allegory had not completed the Temple.
Describe the generic completed "Allegorical" Temple (not Solomon's!) as it applies to specific stages of development and assume it is but "one of many" that you will complete in a lifetime.
Your description should have three parts.
1) The foundation,
2) The structure itself,
3) The furnishings and how you will engage in life using it once stages 1 and 2 are completed.
HINT: Ritual describes it very well if you know how to decode Ritual.
WARNING: If you respond with anything like "the temple is never completed", or "it's completed when you die", then you missed the point of the challenge. This is a serious exercise that you either embrace or not participate. It is NOT about never completing it or dying to complete it.

-------------- PASSIONS & DESIRES --------------  

Anger is an emotion that 
calls us to action 
to protect and cause change. 
Protection and Change are two sides of the same coin! 
Outlaw Anger 
and you outlaw that which allows us to humanly transition 
toward Accepting life as it unfolds before us.  
For Further Light:
 -------------- CHARACTER -------------- 

Where Grown Men 
Pay Good Money 
To get Hit in the Head 
with Mauls.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

Physics - God's Laws Revealed! 
-------------- BRO. PIKE ON: RELIGION --------------  

"If, anywhere, 
brethren of a particular religious belief 
have been excluded from this Degree, 
it merely shows how gravely the purposes 
and plan of Masonry 
may be misunderstood."
-- Bro. Albert Pike

"For whenever the door of any Degree 
is closed against him who believes in one God 
and the soul's immortality, 
on account of the other tenets of his faith, 
that Degree is Masonry no longer."
-- Bro. Albert Pike

"The obligation of the candidate 
is always to be taken 
on the sacred book or books of his religion, 
that he may deem it more solemn and binding; 
and therefore it was that you were asked 
of what religion you were. 
\We have no other concern with your religious creed."
-- Bro. Albert Pike

 "...Masonry imposes upon us these duties 
that it is properly and significantly styled work; 
and he who imagines that he becomes a Mason 
by merely taking the first two or three Degrees, 
and that he may, 
having leisurely stepped upon that small elevation, 
thenceforward worthily wear the honors of Masonry, 
without labor or exertion, 
or self-denial or sacrifice, 
and that there is nothing to be done in Masonry,
 is strangely deceived."
– Bro. Albert Pike

-------------- BURDENS --------------  

Take precious care in opening your door 
to any knock that befalls upon it. 
Far too many men knock upon doors 
believing a free ride existed on the other side. 
Be not the man to open your door to such men. 
They shall woefully Burden you.
-------------- HANDED? -------------- 

If you ever come to believe 
that anything is being handed to you in Masonry, 
know first and foremost that is it Opportunity alone.
-------------- YUP --------------  
Bandaids Shall Only Take You Just So Far... 

 -------------- BOOM! -------------- 

The rest of the story can now be found
within "Building Free Men." 

Source: http://www.coach.net/BFM.htm

 -------------- ZOOM! --------------  

May 22, 2021 @ 2pm ET 

If you like what you see,
and would like to
schedule a presentation,
let me know!

 -------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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