Saturday, May 11, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-11


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
 About sums if all up...
(Hat tip to  the artist Hugh MacLeod 
for "information" and "knowledge" panels!
and to Bro. Coach Mike Clevenger
for revealing the originator of these panels! 

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- CHARACTER --------------   

"I count him braver 
who overcomes his desires
 than him who conquers his enemies;
 for the hardest victory is over self."
-- Aristotle 

-------------- WAIT! --------------  

 Wait! Where in the code does it say that Mastery takes Work? 
-------------- LAURELS... --------------  

There is Nothing that will 
Cripple the Craft Quicker 
than Brothers Who
 Rest Upon the Laurels of Bestowed Titles 
Never Mastering anything 
other than having Others do the Same.
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"When I bought my computer––anyone who has tried to work a computer knows what my experience was––I thought, well, I wonder what god it is that is there? Being somewhat an expert on gods, I lived with this computer a couple of months, and then I recognized the god. It was Yahweh of the Old Testament: a lot of rules and no mercy! But then, when you get to know the rules and your fingers obey them, it is fabulous what the thing can do!
"That is the way it is with the rules in art. You have to learn to know them, and if it is a proper, up-to-date local art, the rules will have something to do with the life of people here and now, not a big smoochy general thing about life, but how it is here and now, what our problems and our mysteries are, here and now. You have to know your own day. You have to know your own relation to your own day, and then forget it! Let the thing build into you, the way my knowledge of my computer is built into me now. And then each of you can sing."
--Joseph Campbell, The Mythic Dimension: "Creativity"
-------------- SHOW ME! --------------  

 Freemasonry Showed me 
The Shadows that Were Cast...
 ...and Masonry Showed me 
that Light Casts no Shadows...
-------------- ALLEGORY --------------  

Allegory: Not Fact; Not Fiction. 
Only Truth Served 
at the Raw Listener's Level.
-------------- GIVE --------------  
You may be a Ruffian if...  ̶e̶x̶p̶e̶c̶t demand 
more than you are willing to give.
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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