Sunday, May 12, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-12


-------------- WHACKY --------------  
A Brother Who Knows Not 
His Vices & Superfluities 
Has No Clue 
What He's Whacking.
-------------- VICES & SUPERFLUITITES -------------- 
-------------- LOGIC CHALLENGE -------------- 


I shared this years ago, 
not due to my faith 
but because I was 
not convinced by his arguments. 
There were entirely too many 
logical fallacies to enumerate here.

The biggest Fallacy I spotted?  
False Dichotomies.

Which Logical Fallacies can you list?
-------------- HUMOR --------------  
-------------- LYING --------------  

-------------- DIG! -------------- 

Truth is what you eventually Find 
when you Reach the Foundation 
of a Mountain of Lies. 
When you want the Truth, 
Start Digging!
 -------------- MAKING AN IMPRESSION --------------  

For those Important Instances 
when Making any 
Far Reaching and Lasting Impression 
is Simply not enough.
-------------- CARDINAL VIRTUES --------------  


At times, 
Peace of Mind requires 
the Judicious Application of the Block Function 
so Prudently Provided by Facebook
 to use once Foolhardy Fortitude 
has run out of Worthwhile Temperance.
 -------------- THE PROOF --------------  
The Proof that Knowledge Alone 
does not Improve a man 
is Overwhelmingly Obvious. 
The Proof that so many People 
Choose to Ignore this Proof 
is Equally Obvious.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

Brothers who 
Deliberately Misrepresents 
the Works and Words of other Brothers
in a Malicious Effort to Persuade 
and Misguide his Fellows 
to View Unkindly their target's very heart, 
has only dirtied themselves
and the title "Brother" 
Entrusted to their Safekeeping. 
-------------- THE PURPOSE --------------  

"The very purpose of religion 
is to control yourself, 
not to criticize others. 
Rather, we must criticize ourselves. 
How much am I doing about my anger? 
About my attachment, 
about my hatred, about my pride, my jealousy? 
These are the things which we must check in daily life."
 ~ 14th Dalai Lama
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“What is it we are questing for? 
It is the fulfillment of that 
which is potential in each of us. 
Questing for it is not an ego trip; 
it is an adventure to bring into fulfillment 
your gift to the world, which is yourself. 
There’s nothing you can do 
that’s more important than being fulfilled. 
You become a sign, 
you become a signal, 
transparent to transcendence;
 in this way, you will find, live, 
and become a realization 
of your own personal myth.”
-- Joseph Campbell, Pathways to Bliss

-------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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