Thursday, May 30, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-30


-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

It should be clear to any well-intentioned Brother
that the Goal of Mastery is not Entitlement;
it is Ability to Do
and Do so with Agreeable Know-How (W),
Resources (S) and Cunning Craftsmanship (B)!
 -------------- ALLEGORY-------------- 
When you take Freemasonry literally, 
you're still chained to its Cave Wall 
believing the things you see 
and hear within it are real; 
they are not. 
They point to a reality 
far removed from the shadows 
cast upon its walls.
It takes Mastery to realize this.  
And it is only in Mastery 
that such a reality 
is understood and utilized! 
For Further Light:

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  


My YouTube Channel's Latest Video Additions!
Ever wonder what's behind a Hecatomb? 
If so, you might enjoy my latest two videos.
A Hecatomb for 
the Masonic Mind! (Part 1 & 2)

PS - Please "Like, Subscribe & Comment" 
if you enjoyed them.
-------------- RHETORIC --------------  
Some Trivial Information

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

 ...makes me dizzy 
just thinkin' about it."
-- Bro. David Moran
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

It's truly wonderful what occurs 
when two or more gather in His manner. 
Even in disagreement, 
if gathered in His manner
wonderful things still occur.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

A Playhouse that Offers 
but Three Plays 
Finds but a Small Audience of Support, 
Especially when it Demands the Patrons 
Perform the Shows.
What more does your playhouse 
offer its patrons? 
What SHOULD it offer its patrons?
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------  
 -------------- PENALTIES --------------  
For Further Light:
What Freemasons
 should be told 
but aren't.

-------------- HONOR... -------------- 
 -------------- MASONS... -------------- 
 Okay, new "obvious" theory: 
Masons like going around in circles. 
There! I said it! 
Prove it WRONG!
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"The hero-deed to be wrought is not today 
what it was in the century of Galileo. 
Where then there was darkness, 
now there is light; 
but also, where light was, there now is darkness. 
The modern hero-deed must be 
that of questing to bring to light 
again the lost Atlantis of the co-ordinated soul."
-- Joseph Campbell, 
The Hero with a Thousand Faces

-------------- IM1! --------------  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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