Sunday, May 26, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-26


-------------- CHALLENGE ONE --------------  

Freemasonry only Invites males to Grow Up.
If you remain active for any length of time, 
there will be many times when you will be required
 to Accept or at least Tolerate 
the Immaturity that Plagues the Craft.
Try to Remember this very Important part 
of our Society's Limitations 
the Next Time you get 
frustrated, upset, disappointed, angry,
 pissed off, mad, enraged, sad, depressed 
or any other emotion
 that might drive you toward Bitter ends: 
Freemasonry only Invites males to Grow Up; 
 It cannot Force them to Do so.
 Its advancements occur 
because members show up
 and play their part;  
not because they actual live what ritual espouses.
As a result, 
there are far more Apprentices
wearing Master's titles 
than actual Master's 
who have earned the right to wear them.
Once again...
If you stick around, 
there will be many Next Times 
when you don't come to Accept
 or at least Tolerate
 the Immaturity that Plagues the Craft. 
When you do, 
focus upon yourself 
and what you can and should do 
to achieve Mastery 
or at least don't contribute 
to what you tolerate from others.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- HUMOR --------------  

'Cause Being "Regular" 
is Never Ever 
Quite Enough...
-------------- WHEN YOU DO --------------  

What Occurs 
When You Do 
the Work. 
Heaven on Earth 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 Freemasonry Tells you that there is a Blueprint; 
Masonry is the Building of the Building and its Builders.
-------------- KNOW -------------- 
 No Work, No Transformation.
Know Work, Know transformation!

-------------- MYTH --------------  

   “Mythology is not a lie, 
mythology is poetry, 
it is metaphorical. 
It has been well said 
that mythology 
is the penultimate truth
–penultimate because 
the ultimate cannot be put into words. 
It is beyond words. 
Beyond images, 
beyond that bounding rim 
of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. 
Mythology pitches the mind 
beyond that rim, 
to what can be known 
but not told.”
-- Joseph Campbell 

-------------- CHALLENGE TOO  --------------  
  • Question #14: How do you discover and uncover the true interests of an Apprentice?
  • Question #15: What Action Steps have you taken to identify your Vices and Superfluities and How Effective were these Action Steps in producing the results you expected?
  • Question #16: What Action Steps have you taken to Instill the Cardinal and Theological Virtues in your daily manner and How Effective were these Action Steps in producing the results you expected?
  • Question #17: What Action Steps have you taken to Instill an Effective Time Management System into your Daily Routine and How Effective were these Action Steps in producing the results you expected?
 -------------- TRIVIUM MASTERY --------------  

 What occurs for you 
when you get serious 
and study the culture 
behind the writings...

(When you do not understand 
the culture 
that shared the a-l-l-e-g-o-r-y...)
-------------- REALITY -------------- 

No Matter 
How Good 
A Person You Are, 
There Will Always 
Be Someone 
Criticizing You

 -------------- END -------------- 

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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