Saturday, May 25, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-25


-------------- REALITY --------------  
Memorization Gives you Strength. 
It does not Give you Wisdom.
-------------- TEASE -------------- 

If you are interested in providing the full presentation 
to your lodge via ZOOM or in person
please contact me through Facebook private messenger 
or through my website under CONTACT INFO.

-------------- ROLE MODEL --------------  
Are you the Member 
that you want for your Lodge? 
-------------- SUBJECT --------------  
Should a man desire 
to truly know his chosen Faith in depth, 
he would have to willingly and dutifully subject himself 
to a Transformational Process 
that pre-conditions his Heart, Mind and Spirit 
to Recognize, Understand and Live 
that which he desires to Receive. 
No Single Ceremony or Event 
accomplishes his Transformation. 
It occurs only 
through Diligent, Focus and Purposeful Work. 
This Work Progresses by Degrees. 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 Freemasonry is about your Grip;
Masonry is about your Grasp!
-------------- EA WORK: IMPULSE CONTROL --------------  

Yeah... that's me...
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"Consequently, for the Buddhists,
 it doesn't matter whether the Buddha actually lived or not
––one need not have faith in his life as a historical fact, 
as a Christian is supposed to believe of Christ. 
For the Christian it makes a difference 
whether the savior did actually live, 
but not for the Buddhist. 
The Buddha, 
whether he is a mythological image or a fact, 
is a rendition of the mystery of Buddhahood in life, 
and he doesn't have to have been there at all
 for you to find the Buddhahood in yourself. 
He can serve just as a mythological figure, 
as a shadow on the wall, 
as an inspiration to you 
to find it in yourself, 
and then you are in. 
You become one with the eternal, 
the source of being."
-- Joseph Campbell, Myths of Light, p. 138

"I, and the Source, are One..."

-------------- OPPORTUNITY --------------  
For Brothers who have an earnest desire to Build themselves Better 
and who are familiar with the Building Better Builders' Materials.
Answer the intake questions 
or your request will be deleted.
-------------- CHALLENGE-------------- 
Question #13: 

An Apprentice 
whom you are responsible for assisting 
comes to you 
and says he wants 
to improve himself in Masonry 
and wants a task list 
upon which he can Work. 
You have such a list. 
What is on it?
-------------- UNDERSTAND  --------------  
You may be a Ruffian if... 
you parrot the Works of others 
not knowing 
the true meanings, intentions or purposes 
of these Works.
For Further Light:

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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