Friday, May 3, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-03


-------------- LIMITS --------------  
 The Mark of an Educated Mason 
is knowing the Limits of Freemasonic Light. 
Brother: Is there a limit?
Coach: To Freemasonic Light? ABSOLUTELY! 
It's very nature is limited.
However, it's a catalyst for Masonic light! 
And that Light is only limited by our humanity!

For Further Light:
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- TRIVIUM --------------  
-------------- NOTHING -------------- 
It's participating in soul-filled harmony 
using only the instrument of your heart. 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

 "We ought so to behave to one another 
as to avoid making enemies of our friends, 
and at the same time to make friends of our enemies."
-- (Bro.) Pythagoras
-------------- SIRENS -------------- 
Woe to he who trusts 
all Rough Ashlars Raised. 
Their sirenesque songs coax 
all toward destructive ends. 
 -------------- MYTH -------------- 

“You know the rule: 
If you are falling, dive. 
Do the thing that has to be done.”
— Joseph Campbell

-------------- REMEMBER YOUR OBLIGATIONS --------------  
Some of my most saddest and rawest moments occur 
when a trusted Brother robs, cheats and defrauds me 
and does so deliberately to benefit himself, 
realizing fully that his actions shall 
negatively impact me and my family.
-------------- HERMENEUTICS --------------
When you have not done both the Apprentice and Fellow Craft Work, you cannot rightfully say that any and all interpretations are valid. You literally don't have the foundation to support such a claim.
TRUE: There are Infinite Interpretations.
FALSE: All Interpretations are Valid.
TRUE: There exists within that set of Infinite Interpretations a Finite Set of Salient, Applicable, Valid, Optimal and Well-Integrated Interpretations; all other interpretations outside this set are Unworthy Conjectures.
This is what I apply steadfastly toward the research and writing of my books about Freemasonic Ritual to help Masonic Understanding and Practice get past the Bogus Specifics.
Hermeneutics (noun)
1. the science of interpretation, especially of Scripture
2. the branch of theology that deals with the principles and methodology of exegesis
3. (philosophy) 
a.the study and interpretation of human behaviour and social institutions
b.(in existentialist thought) discussion of the purpose of life
Word Origin - C18: from Greek hermēneutikos expert in interpretation, from hermēneuein to interpret, from hermēneus interpreter
-------------- SLING --------------  

No Lodge member 
wants to find 
his Ashlar in a Sling.
-------------- FODDER -------------- 

The World Sees when your Heart is not in it. 
It might as well be Taken Out and used as Animal Fodder.
 -------------- HUMOR -------------- 
 -------------- WHY BOTHER? -------------- 

If You're Not Applying It, 
Why Bother?
-------------- YOU KNOW... -------------- 

You know that your Lodge has major problems 
when Rough Ashlars rule the roost, 
a few Common Ashlars support Lodge activities 
and the Raised Ashlars have 
hacked, chiseled and pried themselves 
from the common mass 
to depart for committed Quarries elsewhere.  
-------------- THE KEY -------------- 
The key to bringing Worthwhile Betterment into your life 
is to do the Work for yourself and do so without waiver. 
As you do it, 
you shall discover quickly those Brothers 
who are engaged in this very same activity. 
These are the Brothers with which to share your Work. 
 Toward others who are not engaged in the Work, 
keep silent. 
What you share is not only lost on them, 
if they are committed to not doing the Work, 
what you share shall be received as irritating pearls to swine. 
When you do not want irritated swine on your Ashlar, 
Work discretely and share wisely. 
Remember the Cave's allegorical lesson 
and stay clear of chained cave dwellers;
 they will do you no good by your sharing.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------   
For Further Light:

-------------- END --------------   

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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