Thursday, May 16, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-16


-------------- LIMITS --------------  

Don't Strain 
Your Brotherly Connections 
to their Breaking Point. 
Cable Tows have their Limits!

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
 -------------- INITIAL ROMANCE --------------  

When the Illusions 
that Caused the Initial Romance die, 
that's When the Reality 
of the True Work 
is only First Realized.  
For Further Light:

 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  

In Darkness Some Are. 
Closed to the Light 
Remain Their Eyes. 
Pry Them I will not. 
On Their Own They Must Open. 
-------------- HUMOR --------------  
A MM Degree coming up? Got ya covered!
-------------- PRODUCTIVITY --------------   

Organizations doom themselves unworthy 
when they go from 
"doing productive stuff for profit" 
"paying for the right 
to do nothing truly productive". 
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
Experienced Differently 
Through the Eyes 
of Each Consumer. 
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
But only when you actually think about it.
-------------- BOOKS --------------  
"A room without books is like a body without a soul."
--Marcus Tullius Cicero 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

You may be a Ruffian if... seek to wear titles you've not earned. 
-------------- MYTH --------------  

-------------- STRUCTURE -------------- 
“If words are not things, 
or maps are not the actual territory, 
then, obviously, 
the only possible link 
between the objective world 
and the linguistic world 
is found in structure, 
and structure alone.”
-- Alfred Korzybski;
 the late Polish-American 
Philosopher and Scientist
For Further Light:
-------------- INSANITY --------------  
 To Boycott any Lodge 
that you don't even Attend 
Draws more Attention 
to your Irrational Insanity 
Than anything that could be said about the Lodge.
 -------------- A FUN PRESENTATION TEASER -------------- 
 -------------- END --------------  

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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