Sunday, May 19, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-19


-------------- OBLIGATION --------------  
Hidden in Plain SIght1

When you have Failed to Perceive 
how this Symbolizes your Obligations, 
you have yet to take off your Hoodwink.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- HUMOR --------------  
 <snicker> ...would you believe...
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

"As soon as laws are necessary for men,
they are no longer fit for freedom."
-- Pythagoras

 Those Bound by the Strong Cord 
of a Moral Obligation 
need not any law man made. 
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
Straddling the Fence 
only Chafes your Butt. 
Make a Choice 
or better yet, 
Become Decisive!
-------------- TRAINING --------------  
... A free mason form'd out of the materials of his lodge
Though all may have 
eyes to see and ears to hear, 
'tis only masters who train them
 to disclose what is hidden in plain sight.
August 15th, 1754 - etching and engraving
Plate Mark: 12 1/2 × 8 3/16 in. (31.8 × 20.8 cm) - Peel 0487
Published: [England] : Publish'd according to Act of Parliamt ... 
by W. Tringham in Castle Alley Royal Exchange, August 15th, 1754.

For Further Light:

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
-------------- THAT THIRD KNOCK... --------------  

 "And on the Third Knock, 
God had me."
 -- Bro. Kevin Schneider
-------------- MYTH --------------  

"Opportunities to find 
deeper powers within ourselves 
come when life seems most challenging."
-- Joseph Campbell

-------------- THE CORE --------------  

 The Core of Idolatry 
is Accepting 
the Unreal for Real.

Hint: Masonry is Real.
-------------- INTENTIONS --------------  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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