Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-22


 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  

When you want to quickly know a man's true Morals, 
Empower him with Authority over other men 
and Observe closely the Quality of his Decisions.
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- HUMOR -------------- 

-------------- AVOIDIN' 'EM  --------------  
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

When you're More Interested in Filling Seats 
than in Fulfilling the men who would Sit In Them, 
you are No Longer Led by the Light you Profess 
and are Wholly Deserving of your Struggles.
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------  
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

The story of Pythagoras teaches us 
that sincere and diligent Masons
 learn how to Sacrifice Bull, 
and do so thoroughly & without Prejudice. 
If only more Brothers would learn this lesson.
-------------- CULT --------------  

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, 
and there always has been. 
The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread 
winding its way through our political and cultural life, 
nurtured by the false notion 
that democracy means that 
'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge'."
-- Issac Asimov
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

For Raising to be Authentic, 
Maturity must be present.
For Maturity to be Authentic, 
Wisdom, Strength and Beauty must be Present.
For Wisdom, Strength and Beauty to be Authentic, 
They must all Agree when Present.
-------------- TO DO LIST --------------  

-------------- MYTH --------------  
"The artist is the true seer 
and prophet of his century, 
the justifier of life and as such,
 of course, 
a revolutionary far more fundamental
 in his penetration of the social mask of his day 
than any fanatic idealist 
spilling blood over the pavement 
in the name simply of another unnatural mask."
-- Joseph Campbell, 
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space 

-------------- EMOTIONS --------------  
Desires are what you Want. 
Passions are what you Willingly Suffer 
to get what you Want. 
-------------- SECRET SOCIETY --------------  
Or Further Light:

-------------- END --------------  

is God's Way of Differentiating 
Intelligent Humans 
from those who Merely Ape Thought.  
-------------- DEEP END -------------- 

RE: Freemasonic Education...
I learned early on 
that the superficial education I received 
initially was just that - Superficial!
I eventually learned 
that things are not always 
as they might appear!

-------------- END -------------- 

  Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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