Saturday, May 18, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-18


-------------- SYMBOLISM --------------  
It's Very Difficult To Believe 
That Any More Must be Said.
 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Taken Literally, 
the Symbolic Structure of Freemasonry becomes Meaningless. 
Taken Figuratively, 
It'll Illuminate your Path. 
 For instance,
 if you have an Apprentice's Grasp, 
you'll Grasp things Superficially. 
 If you look with an Apprentice's eyes, 
you'll look for Literal Signs 
and miss the Important Ones. 
If you hear words with an Apprentice's ears, 
you'll not hear what's Behind Them 
and miss their Intended Message. 
I can recognize a Freemason 
and I can Recognize a Mason... 
Can you?  
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

When you Begin your Traveling, 
Don't Leave Reality Behind!
  (Yep. And try not to chase imaginary animals too!)
-------------- MASTERS --------------  

Execution of the Instructions 
Produces Masters. 
Once I saw the Light,
 I Realized what was behind 
the Decline of Mastery.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

There are members of our Society 
that would not have made it through the West Gate 
had the rest of us Progressed upon a Proficiency 
Reflecting Suitable Practice 
rather than Mindless Parroting.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

-------------- BS DETECTOR --------------  
Some of the Working Tools 
of a Masonic Forensicologist. 
Please note the BS Detector 
most Elegantly Placed 
at the Collection's Center.
-------------- IMPORTANT STUFF --------------  

-------------- CIRCUMSCRIPTION --------------  

FILED UNDER: Why it is SO important to use those Compasses
Circumscription also lets you know 
when others are infringing upon your boundaries!
Part and parcel as to why 
I block Facebook members 
who are clearly not friends... 
Life's too short to be doing battle 
with backstabbers.
-------------- LAST NIGHT... --------------   

A shared text between two Brothers I know.
For Further Light:
-------------- EUREKA! -------------- 

If you have attended my BBB Workshops, you get it.
 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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