Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-15


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
If you're still a sheep, 
you've not listened to 
its wake-up call.

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Admitted Liars Lose Face. 
Liars Who Lie 
about Their Lying 
Lose Their Soul.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
READ through to the WARNING!
The 15 ruffians in the third degree allegory had not completed the Temple.
If you subscribe to the belief that the temple is never completed in one's earthly form, explain then:
1) What the Temple actually represents, in Light of the Fellow Craft Work and outside of religious views.
2) How at least three Grand Master completed their temples
3) What it takes to lay the temple's foundation
WARNING: If you respond with anything like "the temple is never completed", or "it's completed when you die", then you missed the point of the challenge. This is a serious exercise that you either embrace or not participate. It is NOT about never completing it or dying to complete it.  
-------------- BEFORE... --------------  

Before you Dare Ask a Brother to Return, 
Make Sure What you Offer to Him 
is of the Same Quality, Value and Inspiration 
as What Motivated Him to Enter Originally.
-------------- DARE! --------------  

Go Ahead! Dare to Remove It! 
But be forewarned... 
Should you take the dare, expect life to be different!
1) The Challenge: 
facing life post-revelation.
2) The Problem: 
letting what you might allow
 to get in your way as a result of your knowing
 in the face of overwhelming ignorance.
3) The Trouble: 
dealing with all those who would do battle with you 
as a result of conflicting views.
Can you rise and meet 
the challenges, problem and troubles? 
Have you courage?
Have you the nerve?
Have you the desire?
Have you the passion?
Time shall tell.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

-------------- MASONIC PARKING --------------  

I: What are ways to test a man in public 
to see if he is a mason or not? 
R: Ask him where he parks his goat. 
For Further Light:
-------------- ALLEGORY --------------  
Allegory: Not Fact; Not Fiction. 
Only Truth Served up 
on the Raw Listener's Level.
-------------- LIMITS --------------  

Educated Men 
Know the Limits 
of Organizational Light. 
Do you?
-------------- ETHIOPIA... -------------- 

In what year was the reference to 
"Ethiopia" introduced into Ritual?
I asked this question while researching my book,
 "A Brother Asks: Uncommon Discourse about Hiram - Volume 1"
I found my answer and more!
-------------- ALLEGORY -------------- 

Experienced Differently 
Through the Eyes of Each Consumer. 

For Further Light:  
-------------- END --------------  

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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