Thursday, May 23, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-23


-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
So, be Honest. 
Did the Education Provided to you by your Lodge 
Train your Mind to Think 
or just Require you to Recall things 
that Require little to no Thinking? 

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- CAVES OF OUR MAKING --------------  
Allegory of the Cave
Modern Edition circa 1960s
(It's far worse now!)

   <<Cue Leonard Nimoy voice>>
“Was this a prophetic vision of the 21st Century? 
Did Plato have access to a body of knowledge 
that made him see the future?
 All this and more on today’s episode of...
In Search Of...Allegorical Applications to Human Behavior.”
(Hat tip to Bro. Akuma Nwokorie-Earnest Lee!) 
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
Don't get Locked In the Shadows 
of Those Who Block the Light.  
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

there is no Blue Lodge Fairy 
Gifting "Mystical Blessings" 
that Make you a Better Man. 
Betterment Always Requires Work! 
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"This, I believe, is the great Western truth: 
that each of us is a completely unique creature 
and that, if we are ever to give any gift to the world, 
it will have to come out of our own experience 
and fulfillment of our own potentialities, 
not someone else’s."
-- Joseph Campbell, 
The Power of Myth 

-------------- QUESTIONS EA SHOULD KNOW HOW TO ANSWER --------------  
When a Mason cannot 
properly answer these questions, 
they remain just a member. 
Question #1: What distinctions can you draw between Masonry and Freemasonry?
Question#2: How would an Apprentice know for sure that they were doing Masonic or Freemasonic work?
Question #3: What is the intent of the EA Work?
Question #4: What is the first Working Tool that an Apprentice must Set to make all his other Apprentice Work possible, and why? (Hint - it ain't so obvious!)
Question #5: What does hanging a Plumb Line Establish for the Working Tools of the Apprentice?
Question #6: What does the Checkered Pavement have to do with the Apprentice Work?
Question #7: What diligent process does an Apprentice go through to determine what's most important to him?
Question #8: How are Apprentices taught Time Management?
Question #9: When Apprentices ask what Passions and Desires are, what should they be told about each and how one differs from the other?
Question #10: What advice is given to Apprentices who want to Circumscribe and Subdue?
Question #11: What are Vices and Superfluities? 
Question #12: How do Vices and Superfluities differ from each other?
Question #13: What examples should be provided to Apprentices when asked about Vices & Superfluities?
Question #14: What are the 11 Working Tools that every EA sees while experiencing the first degree?
Question #15: What Ashlar are you when you complete the Work that the first degree directs you to do?
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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