Friday, May 31, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-31


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

 Master Masons are charged 
to help, aid, assist 
and correct their Brothers; 
not fix them.
-------------- WORKING MATERIALS --------------  
Working Materials Primer

  • Chalk (Freedom->Choice)
    is what we come in with.
  • Clay (Zeal->Obligation)
    is what is provided for us through our Altar experience.  
  • Charcoal (Fervency->Work)
    is pointed toward by our Brothers and ignited

    when the first two (Chalk and Clay) are genuine.

All must be present
and in agreement for Proper Transformation.
(What Pattern do you see?)

Source: Cement
 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------   
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

All the Preparation on earth 
will not Change a Reaction to a Response, 
unless you Execute what you had Practiced 
in that Critical Moment of Decision.
-------------- LEARNING --------------  

You Entirely Miss the Point of Education 
When you have yet to Learn How to Learn.
 -------------- TRAVEL --------------  

When You Can't Travel,You Miss Many Rich Lessons.
When You Don't Travel, You Miss the Entire Point. 

For Further Light:
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

 In Case you Missed it... You Are the Point! 
Don't ever Forget to Remember this Always!
For Further Light:
-------------- DRIVE --------------  
As long as Lodges Continue to Strap themselves to Debt, 
Money, and by implied default Membership, 
shall Drive Lodges.
-------------- KEEP CALM -------------- 
For Further Light:

-------------- CHARACTER -------------- 
"Pure and Ancient Masonry", as referred to by Freemasonic lore, had but one degree (EA) initially with which joiners enjoyed full membership. Additionally, a master's part (FC) existed for those who desired to oversee a lodge. 
Soon after the Premier Grand Lodge meeting in 1717, that one degree (EA) was split in two parts thus creating the now EA and FC degrees and the master's part (the original FC) was substituted with the second half of the original split degree (EA - second half).
That second half became the basis of our current FC degree. 
The master's part (the original FC) was initially put aside but was eventually brought back into use after being Dramatically augmented to become our current MM degree. This augmented High Degree was not required Initially by members to enjoy full membership but only became so as other fabricated High Degrees were added to what was already offered to the membership.
But we don't have any Innovations!
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"My feeling is that 
mythic forms reveal themselves gradually
 in the course of your life
 if you know what they are
 and how to pay attention 
to their emergence. 
My own initiation 
into the mythic depths 
of the unconscious 
has been through the mind,
 through the books that surround me 
in this library. 
I have recognized in my quest 
all the stages of the hero’s journey. 
I had my calls to adventure, 
my guides, demons, and illuminations."
– “Man and Myth: 
A Conversation with Joseph Campbell,
 Psychology Today, July 1971

-------------- PURSUIT --------------  
Pursuing "Eureka!": 
a task best left to those radically unsatisfied 
with mundane superficialities. 
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-30


-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

It should be clear to any well-intentioned Brother
that the Goal of Mastery is not Entitlement;
it is Ability to Do
and Do so with Agreeable Know-How (W),
Resources (S) and Cunning Craftsmanship (B)!
 -------------- ALLEGORY-------------- 
When you take Freemasonry literally, 
you're still chained to its Cave Wall 
believing the things you see 
and hear within it are real; 
they are not. 
They point to a reality 
far removed from the shadows 
cast upon its walls.
It takes Mastery to realize this.  
And it is only in Mastery 
that such a reality 
is understood and utilized! 
For Further Light:

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  


My YouTube Channel's Latest Video Additions!
Ever wonder what's behind a Hecatomb? 
If so, you might enjoy my latest two videos.
A Hecatomb for 
the Masonic Mind! (Part 1 & 2)

PS - Please "Like, Subscribe & Comment" 
if you enjoyed them.
-------------- RHETORIC --------------  
Some Trivial Information

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

 ...makes me dizzy 
just thinkin' about it."
-- Bro. David Moran
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

It's truly wonderful what occurs 
when two or more gather in His manner. 
Even in disagreement, 
if gathered in His manner
wonderful things still occur.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

A Playhouse that Offers 
but Three Plays 
Finds but a Small Audience of Support, 
Especially when it Demands the Patrons 
Perform the Shows.
What more does your playhouse 
offer its patrons? 
What SHOULD it offer its patrons?
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------  
 -------------- PENALTIES --------------  
For Further Light:
What Freemasons
 should be told 
but aren't.

-------------- HONOR... -------------- 
 -------------- MASONS... -------------- 
 Okay, new "obvious" theory: 
Masons like going around in circles. 
There! I said it! 
Prove it WRONG!
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"The hero-deed to be wrought is not today 
what it was in the century of Galileo. 
Where then there was darkness, 
now there is light; 
but also, where light was, there now is darkness. 
The modern hero-deed must be 
that of questing to bring to light 
again the lost Atlantis of the co-ordinated soul."
-- Joseph Campbell, 
The Hero with a Thousand Faces

-------------- IM1! --------------  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-05-29


-------------- MASTERY --------------  
T'ain't an Ashlar Raised t'weren't Perfect.
Masters are not know-it-alls. 
That being said, 
they do know enough 
to discover & uncover more.  
Mastery is not the end of knowledge; 
it is only its beginning! 
Masters know their own Plumb Lines, 
have insights and abilities 
to discern other's 
and can and do assist them 
to know theirs.
 To attain Mastery 
is to be Properly Prepared 
to Travel, Work, Earn, 
Support, & Contribute 
This means one's
 Journeys, Learnings and Teachings 
have only just begun! !
For Further Light:
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

 For Further Light:

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

It Nurtures you, It Enlightens you, It Betters you, 
It Guides you toward Mastery, It Prepares you for Life.
If you are not getting these, from your Active Participation, 
Why Not?
For Further Light:

 -------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

Freemasonry Offers Its Soldiers 
A Privately Funded War on Ignorance 
Directed Solely Upon Its Primary Cause, 
"Your Indifference". 
Far too many have already been Lost. 
Are you? 
-------------- RIPPLES --------------  

Don't throw stones in ponds 
when you don't want ripples. 
-------------- FAITH --------------  
A gentle reminder...
God gave us the Circumpunct! 
The Point of the Circumpunct represents 
the spirit that God breathed into the Hollow Pillar. 
The Circumpunct represents both Adam and every man, 
who has the spirit of God within him. 
The Circumpunct represents every Brother 
and hence the Repository of God's Spirit.  
 When a man Enters into a House of God 
and claims that the Owner does not exists, 
there is nothing that you can do to support him 
in getting to know his Faith better. 
 "Belief in God is the only religious prerequisite 
of a candidate for initiation into Masonry..." 
-- Digest of Masonic Law of Florida
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"The influence of a vital person vitalizes, there’s no doubt about it. The world without spirit is wasteland. People have the notion of saving the world by shifting things around, changing the rules, and who’s on top, and so forth. No, no! Any world is a valid world if it’s alive. The thing to do is to bring life to it, and the only way to do that is to find in your own case where the life is and become alive yourself.”
-- Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, with Bill Moyers
On a Scale from one to ten, with one being Dead and ten being Vital, how would you be rated by others? What would you have to add to your existence to have them rate you as a ten? What's stopping you?

-------------- MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND --------------  

May we Always Honor those who Fell in Service.
-------------- AGING GRACEFULLY --------------  

 Beautiful... Strong... Wise...
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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