Monday, June 24, 2024

A Brother Asks: Getting the Most Out of Freemasonry?


A Brother Asks: Coach!  What should one do to get the most out of Freemasonry?
 Coach: That is an awesome question to ask!

Brother: Thanks!  So, what's the answer?
Coach: Well, for starters, I recommenced that you don't believe for a second that proficiency in any degree is just memorization and regurgitation! 
Brother: Really?  That's all that's required by my Lodge Brothers. Why do you say it's not?
Coach: All memorization of Ritual does for a Mason is install a road map for the journey he should undertake once he's installed it!
Brother: Wow, I had not thought of it in that way.
Coach: In what way have you thought about it?
Brother: Embarrassingly enough, I really didn't give it much thought at all, other than just doing what I was told to do by my mentor, coach, & instructor. 
Coach: And you are not alone.  So many come into this fraternity not knowing what to expect and they are not provided any suitable guidance. As a result, they go through the motions without much thought. And what compounds this is that those who are responsible for guiding them were provided the same.  

Brother: So, what should we do about this?
Coach: Start by asking yourself what true proficiency actually is, not based upon what is being asked of you by your Brothers, but by what Ritual is saying for you to do!
Brother: What answer would be best for me to receive if I did ask that question?
Coach: The answer which would be best for anyone wanting to get the most out of Freemasonry is to do what each Degree Ritual directs every Mason to do!
Brother:  And what is that?
Coach: Do all that it take to Erect your spiritual building and do so agreeably to God's Rules & Designs!
Brother: That's it?
Coach: No!  Don't stop till you're done!
Brother: Is there anything else I could do?
Coach: Yes.  Show any Brother who will listen to you earnestly and sincerely what he might be missing in his Masonic Journey and do so by exemplifying it and, even better, instructing them on how they could do it for themselves.

Brother: Wow!  I had no idea what I was missing!
Coach: I am glad you're listening!
Brother: What about all those other things Brothers talk about doing?
Coach: Like? 

Brother: Like charity work, performing degrees, giving lectures, bringing in new members, and going to meetings?
Coach: All of those activities are more worthwhile once you Complete your Temple, understand The Master's Word, Obtain God's Rules & Designs, and Erect that Spiritual Building talked about in the first Degree.  But you must do all this Work first for all that other stuff to be enhanced by what you can contribute, once you get the spiritual building underway!


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