Thursday, June 13, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-13


-------------- ADMISSION --------------  

It's time to Admit 
that we have Far Too Few 
within our Ranks 
who are Masterful 
in what it Takes 
to become Masterful.
For Further Light:
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

-------------- ATTRITION --------------  
 In matters of attrition
 it is best to keep in mind 
that healthy livestock 
naturally migrate away from 
barren lands and 
toward pastures that nourish them. 
They need no leaders to prompt them to do this. 
The direction provided by their gut 
tells them all they need to know.
Give your members
what their guts tell them 
is worthy of their presence! 
 -------------- MASTERY --------------  
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
For Further Light:
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  
Question #27: 
What Bournes
 must each man experience 
to achieve Mastery?
Question #26: 
What is the entirety 
of the Apprentice Work?
-------------- DIFFERENCES --------------  
The difference 
between Freemasonic Education 
and Masonic Education 
is the difference between 
what supports, sustains and nurtures the organization 
 of Freemasons 
and what supports, sustains and nurtures the Masons 
within that Organization. 
 Both must be fully provided 
least each shall fail the other.
For More Light:
For Further Light"

-------------- BEING --------------  
-------------- FACADE --------------  

You may be a Ruffian if… believe without reservation, 
behave with certainty 
and teach others with unwavering zeal 
that education is only memorization of form 
without understanding its substance and source.
For Further Light:
-------------- POINTS --------------  
 Just as a Compass 
Points To North 
but isn't the North Itself, 
Points to the Work 
But isn't the Work Itself. 
 -------------- MYTH --------------  
“There is a definition of God 
which has been repeated by many philosophers. 
God is an intelligible sphere
—a sphere known to the mind, not to the senses—
whose center is everywhere 
and whose circumference is nowhere. 
And the center, Bill, is right where you’re sitting. 
And the other one is right where I’m sitting. 
And each of us is a manifestation of that mystery. 
That’s a nice mythological realization 
that sort of gives you a sense of 
who and what you are.”
-- Joseph Campbell & The Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers)
I am still SO glad this man took time 
to document and share his thoughts.
 -------------- LEARN! --------------  

 Learn to Appreciate 
Constructive Criticism 
and to Appropriately 
Treat Criticism 
that has to do with the Critic 
and not who you are or what you Do.
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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