Friday, June 21, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-21


-------------- <SIGH> --------------  
For More Light:
For Further Light:

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
For Further Light:

-------------- CAN YOU? --------------  
 A Master can Try a Square 
using nothing more than a Sheet of Paper 
and his Ordered Mind. 
No other Working Tool is required. 
There's the Reason for studying Geometry.
When you have yet to do the Work, 
you might stumble across this technique, 
but you'll never benefit from it 
until your actually DO the Work!
-------------- HUMOR --------------  
(Hat tip to Bro. Earnest Lee and Kevin L. Schwartz for inspiration!)

"Interesting fact about Hume:
He is buried in the Calton Hill Cemetery in Edinburgh.
 Directly adjacent to his tomb
is a statue of Abraham Lincoln
 and is a memorial for Scotsmen
that went to fight in the US Civil War."

--Nathan Tweedie

-------------- CHARACTER -------------- 

-------------- INTERVIEW -------------- 

Episode 1 - Yes, there will be more! 
Thanks to Brother Michael Arce
-------------- CHALLENGE -------------- 

 What is the connection between 
the candidate removing his shoe
 and the making of a Widow's Son?
 -------------- OBLIGATIONS --------------  
What if I told you 
are Operating Instructions 
that you Bind yourself Toward Doing 
and Not Something you have to say to get a Title.
-------------- ASTRONOMY --------------  
 <sigh> Looks like this is gonna be a really long day...
-------------- FREEDOM --------------  
 You're not Free 
till you can Effortlessly let go 
of that which you have Embraced 
when it Begins to Strangle 
your Further Growth.
  -------------- SOLSTICE -------------- 

 Our sun reached its peak in our Northern sky yesterday. 
Like our left hand flanking,
 it reflects the most obvious Light 
men display though their choices & acts. 
 Like the sun at its peak, 
the character of men's passions and desires, 
not appropriately circumscribed and subdued, 
are displayed for all the world to see.
-------------- THEY EXIST! --------------  

-------------- MYTH --------------  

 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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