Monday, June 17, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-17


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
 (Hat Tip to Bro. David Moran!)
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  

When you have yet to Divest yourself 
of your Excesses or Build yourself up with Boaz 
(Hebrew for "manly strength"), 
don't expect others to invite you 
on their Journeys. 
You're not Fit to Travel 
and hence make for a Burden upon others. 
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Question #36:
Using a scale from one to ten 
with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level,
 how would you rate your Music skills? (If less than ten, 
what's missing that 
prevents it from being a perfect ten?)

Question #35:
Using a scale from one to ten
 with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level, 
how would you rate your Geometry skills? 
(If less than ten, 
what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)

Question #34:
Using a scale from one to ten 
with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level, 
how would you rate your Arithmetic skills? 
(If less than ten,
 what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)

-------------- PASSION CONTROL --------------  

-------------- FACULTIES --------------   

 The Faculties Necessary to Mature 
Come from Within. 
Outside-In Support
 Can only Help or Hinder 
What is Required to Mature.
-------------- EUREKA! --------------  

When you've been 
to any one of my 
Building Better Builders Workshops, 
you know instantly what this picture depicts.
  -------------- ATTITUDE --------------  

Attitude is Not Everything. 
But, it Creates a Significant Difference 
when you Won't see the Value before you 
and you miss Opportunities To Receive it 
Due to your Insistent Dismissals.
-------------- 24 INCH GAUGE --------------  
The Twenty-Four Inch Gauge
 is not about Chasing Balance. 
Balance is Merely a symptom 
Caused By Establishing and Maintaining 
Proper Life Nurturing Priorities. 
Doing so Leads to Balance.
-------------- WARM MEMORIES --------------  

A Warm Gift 
(a Rugged Kaki Shirt with very thoughtful embroidery 
- shown in picture) from Bros. George Schumacher and Chop 
given to me on my last visit up to Tallahassee in April 2015. 
 Thanks Bros!
-------------- DEMONS -------------- 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Memorization only provides to Candidates Strength, 
in the form of Resource from which they can draw from, 
but this Inventory cannot provide them Wisdom. 
Wisdom comes from Perpending this Inventory 
and Responding Effectively and Maturely to the Query:  
What must I do with it to Build myself Better? 
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“You must have a room, 
or a certain hour or so a day, 
where you don’t know 
what was in the newspapers that morning, 
you don’t know who your friends are, 
you don’t know what you owe anybody, 
you don’t know what anybody owes to you. 
This is a place where you can simply experience 
and bring forth what you are 
and what you might be. 
This is the place of creative incubation. 
At first you may find that nothing happens there. 
But if you have a sacred place and use it, 
something eventually will happen.”
Joseph Campbell,  
The Power of Myth 

-------------- FATHOM --------------  

 -------------- GRAMMER -------------- 
 Isn't English confusing enough?!?!?! 
BIENNIAL - bi·en·ni·al /bīˈenēəl/ adjective 1. taking place every other year. "summit meetings are normally biennial" 2. (especially of a plant) living or lasting for two years. noun 1. a plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruition and die. 2. an event celebrated or taking place every two years. [Origin] early 17th century: from Latin biennis (from bi- ‘twice’ + annus ‘year’) + -al. 
BIANNUAL - bi·an·nu·al /ˌbīˈany(o͞o)əl/ adjective occurring twice a year. "the biannual meeting of the planning committee" {Synonym] Semiannually (used to avoid the confusion caused by biennial and biannual usage) [Origin] also bi-annual; "occurring every six months, twice a year," 1837; see bi- + annual (adj.). Distinguished in sense from biennial, but the distinction is etymologically arbitrary. 
 Is it biannual or semiannual? 
Biannual, biennial, and semiannual are adjectives that describe the frequency at which events occur. 
•Biannual and semiannual mean twice a year. 
•Biennial means every other year. 
 For the sake of clarity, it would be best to avoid all of these terms and simply write twice a year or every other year. However, writers must balance clarity with concision, making semiannual a useful choice for something that happens at that frequency. Since semi- means half or part, it will be easy to remember that you only need to wait part of a year before something semiannual happens again. 
(From one of a few sources:  
 -------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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