Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-11


-------------- METAPHOR --------------  
The difference between 
men who have Done the Work 
and those who have not 
is that the Former do not get Caught by Metaphors, 
while the Latter are Chained to them.
For Further Light:
 -------------- MASONIC UNICORNS --------------    

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
 FILED UNDER: Why Studying the Trivium is SO Important!
Members of our Society have become 
so Focused upon Conceptual Thought 
that they fail to see 
how much they take Figurative Conveyance Literally 
and in ways that were never intended.

For Further Light:

-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- CAUTIOUSLY EDUCATE! --------------  

Heart Work (EA) MUST be undertaken 
and completed before Head Work (FC) begins. 
To do Head Work first 
or without Completion of the Heart Work 
is to Create
 an Empowered, Undisciplined & Dangerous Fool 
with Deadly Knowledge 
Governed by Unbridled Passion. 
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  
-------------- TRIVIAL WORD PLAY --------------  

I Posted "THIS" on "PURPOSE".
What do you Post on Purpose?

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

How We Diss Our Devils... 
-------------- MYTH --------------  
“I don't have to have faith, 
I have experience.”

Joseph Campbell,  
The Power of Myth 
 -------------- TAKE THE RISK! --------------  
-------------- FURTHER... --------------  

I have a List of Mastery Goals
 and Believe Earnestly 
that all who Aspire toward this end 
should have their list etched deeply within their hearts. 
On my list of Mastery Goals 
is to Further Educate those Individuals 
who Desire, are Capable of and shall do the Work 
necessary to bring about Being Civil 
and to Deal as Civilly as possible 
(as in: metaphorically with the least amount of "blood loss") 
with those who cannot and will not. 
To stem any confusion 
in my communicating this goal to others, 
for me, "To Further Educate" means:
"To Permanently Change Behavior 
for and to the Better". 
-------------- THE BEST... --------------  
-------------- ENTRANCE REQUIREMENT -------------- 

FILED UNDER: Why "Good' Men

Too often and too soon 
are we self-victimized 
by good intentions 
directed toward bad people. 
-------------- COMPETENCE -------------- 
The Problem lays not with any of the Penalties 
but with the Absolutely Incompetent men 
who try to explain them to Brothers 
Totally Ill-Prepared to Understand or Comprehend 
their Symbolic Significance and Practical Relevance. 
Should you ever make any effort whatsoever 
to explain them, 
here are some foundational insights you should include:
1) Penalties are ALWAYS self-administered. 
        There are NO exceptions.
2) When you are Not True to what your Tongue states, 
        you have Removed its Value.
3) When you are Not True to your Heart, 
        you Rip it from your Life.
4) When your Head and Heart are pulled in Two Different Directions, 
        So Are You!
Now, stop mucking things up and make sure this Next Generation of Masons Rock!
For Further Light:
 -------------- UNCIRCUMSCRIBED -------------- 
FILED UNDER: Passions Poorly Guided
What you willingly suffer to obtain your heart's desire...
It's not surprising 
that a select few volunteer 
to show their incivility, disrespect, 
and, most of all, their ignorance. 
It is a testament to what occurs 
when passions go poorly guided 
and in unlimited ways. 
Should they travel an ad hominem road, 
their posts are taken as direct requests 
to have their posts deleted 
and their accounts blocked. 
This is on line and in Life. 
It can't help but happen. 
It's most unfortunate 
that they may never realize 
how unnecessary their suffering actually is, 
and their efforts as well.|
-------------- THE POINT -------------- 
The Point...
What was the Point when you walked in Circles?
What was the Point when you embraced an Obligation?
What was the Point when you Descended?
What was the Point when you Ascended?
What is the Point when you are with Brothers and others?
What is the Point now?
What is the Point to be?
What IS the Point?

 -------------- END --------------    

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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