Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-25


-------------- HUMOR --------------  

This explains EVERYTHING!!!!!
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
 It's foolish to provide 
a blind man a flashlight 
believing it will help him see better.
-------------- OUR TERRITORY --------------  

Masonry is a Territory 
where the Art and Science 
of Making Good Men Better 
is Explored, Practiced and Perfected. 
 (Freemasonry is a Map of that Territory.) 
  For Further Light:
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

-------------- HEARTS --------------   
Apprentices Passed 
with unCivil Hearts 
bring forth Death and Rubbish 
within their Temples. 
-------------- CHOICE --------------  

That Moment when 
you must Choose to Chain yourself 
to Others' Interpretation of a Symbol or Emblem 
Rather than Simply Accept that 
Theirs is very Different from Yours.
  -------------- PROPERLY PREPARATION -------------- 
 Your Lodge Activity 
Should Properly Prepare you for Life. 
If It Has Not, 
What has it Actually Done For You?
-------------- MYTH --------------  

 Thoughts, experiences, situations and things 
that Transcend that which is Time and Space Bound 
and which Affect how we take things in 
and let things go.
-------------- RUFFIAN --------------  

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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