Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-05


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
(With apologies to Gary Larson...)

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  

 For Further Light:

 -------------- WHACKERS -------------- 

Above all, 
Don't Be An Ill-Informed 
or Uninformed
 Stone Whacker. 
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

When you Desire 
to Manifest The Lost Word of a Master, 
First Assure 
that no Word Ever comes forth from you 
That Shan't be Honored.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Points to Perpend #1: 
If God's Name is truly ineffable, 
then how on God's green earth is it possible 
to take God's Name in vain?
-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

The difference between 
men who have done the Work 
and those who have not 
is that the former 
do not get caught up in a metaphor, 
while the latter are chained to it. 
-------------- TIME... --------------  

Putting time in is never enough. 
WHAT you do with that Time 
Determines what you'll get back 
from your Investment.
-------------- MYTH --------------  

 “We're so engaged 
in doing things 
to achieve purposes of outer value 
that we forget the inner value, 
the rapture that is associated with being alive, 
is what it is all about.”
Joseph Campbell,  
The Power of Myth

-------------- OF COURSE --------------  


 Should you yearn to Change 
the Course of Declination, 
consider the following: 
 To Initiate is to Start! 
But, to Start anything without Worthwhile Ends-in-Mind 
is to Commit to Wandering Aimlessly. 
Men want Purposeful Direction. 
It is not Enough a man Desire to be Made Better. 
Such a Desire must be Accompanied 
by Clearly Written Worthy Ends-in-Mind
 and Attainable Development Plans 
Approved and Supported by those Brothers who Vouch his Entry. 
Such Vouchers must be Bound to Assure an Accepted man's Progression 
in Accordance with what they Approved. 
Brothers who Vouch a man into Apprenticeship 
must be Responsible for his Internship 
and held to Account for his Cultivation to Journeyman. 
To do otherwise 
leaves Progression in the hands of unknowing Brothers. 
 Do you want to Change the Course of Declination? 
Step it Up 
and Assure that Step 
is Supported by more than Good Intentions! 
-------------- BY DEGREES --------------  

Should a man desire 
to truly know his chosen Faith in depth, 
he would have to willingly 
and dutifully subject himself
 to a Transformational Process 
that pre-conditions 
his Heart, Mind and Spirit 
to Recognize, Understand and Live 
that which he desires to Receive. 
No Single Ceremony 
or Event 
accomplishes his Transformation. 
It occurs only through 
Diligent, Focus and Purposeful Work. 
This Work Progresses by Degrees.
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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