Saturday, June 22, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-22


-------------- LEADERSHIP CONSIDERATIONS --------------  
-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------  
-------------- HUMOR --------------  

With my most sincere Apologies
 to the Apes.

For Further Light:
Spotting Them!

-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
For Further Light:

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Who is the Widow?
What is She?

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  

When you see my posts, 
know for sure that I'm broadcasting seeds.
(hat tip to Bro. Nick Adair)

 -------------- COSTS --------------  

 When the Personal Costs of any Relationship 
Far Outweigh the Potential Personal Benefits, 
Your Investments Suck.
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------   

-------------- OP/SPEC --------------  

"Action without philosophy is a lethal weapon;
 philosophy without action is worthless." 
-- Soichiro Honda

And the same applies to 
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“God is the experience
of looking at a tree
 and saying, 'Ah!”
Joseph Campbell  
-------------- INVITES --------------  
When you want invites to Travel, 
Divest your Unnecessary Excess
 and Strengthen yourself. 
Otherwise you are Burdened & Weak, 
are unfit to Journey 
and are a poor choice for a companion.
-------------- WORD --------------  

The Master's Word 101: 
No Map, 
Written or Orally Offered, 
will Ever Be the Territory it Represents.
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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