Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-18


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
<sigh> Why I encourage understanding... 
 For Further Light:

-------------- LOGIC -------------- 

-------------- NO BUSINESS! --------------  
A Male Incapable of Managing 
The Base Aspects of his Nature 
Has no Business being Taught 
How to Manage the Elements.*

* or encouraged to lead other males.

 -------------- CHARACTER --------------  
“Don’t blame a clown for being a clown. 
Ask yourself why you keep buying a ticket to the circus.”
-- Anonymous
(Hat tip to Bro. Bradley Johnson!) 

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

 Question #39: Using a scale from one to ten
with one representing low skill level  
and ten representing high skill level, 
how would you rate your Figurative and Allegory skills? 
(If less than ten, 
what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)

Question #38:
Using a scale from one to ten 
with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level, 
how would you rate your Statistic skills? 
 (If less than ten, 
what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)

Question #37: Using a scale from one to ten 
with one representing low skill level 
and ten representing high skill level, 
how would you rate your Astronomy skills? 
(If less than ten, 
what's missing that prevents it from being a perfect ten?)

-------------- ALLEGORY--------------  
-------------- QUESTION --------------  
 To what self-improvement society 
would you readily and eagerly commit yourself
 and your precious resources, 
fully aware that is has no true 
ability, facility or design 
to support your improvement?
-------------- FOREVER... --------------   

Your Selfishness Dies with you.
Your Generosity Lives Forever.

(Thanks for the Inspiration Brother Pike!)

  -------------- ACHIEVE -------------- 

You cannot Raise another man 
in anything other than Recognition. 
Each man must Raise himself
 to Achieve Mastery.

-------------- FINDING GOD --------------

I find it humorous 
when people say they "found God". 
This of course is impossible! 
God doesn't get lost. 
God made the territory. 
God surrounds us. 
These people didn't "find" God. 
They merely became aware that God is present. 
They finally "noticed" they were not alone.
-------------- TAKE THEM! --------------  

- When you're Burdened, 
Traveling drains you.

- When you're Weak, 
Traveling depletes you.

-- When you're Confused, 
Traveling frustrates you.

-- When you're Unknowing, 
Traveling misplaces you.

--- When you're Foolish, 
Traveling damages you.

--- When you're Ugly, 
Traveling kills you.
When you're Prepared,
Traveling fulfills you!
Prepare yourself;

Take the necessary Steps!
-------------- HUH? -------------- 
<snicker> Was Nietzsche a Freemason?
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
-------------- MYTH --------------  

“The job of an educator is to teach students to see vitality in themselves”
Joseph Campbell  
-------------- ASTOUNDING--------------  
It utterly astounds me
 that so much attention is paid to history 
and hardly anyone applies its lessons. 
-------------- EXPLETIVES --------------  

Using vulgarities does not get you accepted 
or make your message acceptable. 
All its use by you does
 is lower your value 
in the eyes of those who you assault verbally 
and reveals to them what you think of yourself. 
-------------- INSPIRE READER --------------  

"Who's mind is blown? This Freemason's mind is blown...
"Howdy Coach!
"So I'm reading The Craft Unmasked.
"First, I can't tell you how awesome it is to see someone else capitalize Particular words mid-sentence as a form of emphasis. #NotAlone
"Second, I'm about halfway through now and have recognized the primary theory of origin.
"Nearly everyone within my circle of Brothers is obsessed with the origin of the Craft, most popular of course is the Templar conspiracy. I'm the cynic of the topic, who doesn't believe any of it, and generally isn't concerned about the origin, but rather the current state of the Craft.
"That being said, this is by far, the most plausible, realistic and probable explanation I've ever heard. 
"I can't wait until our next conversation on the topic, it's going to be quite entertaining.
"Great book!
"Another thought just occurred to me; considering the various contexts of the Hallowell Poem, its form and content completely support your theory!"
-- Joseph Merlin Nichter
-------------- WELL? -------------- 
The Road is Hard. 
Are You Properly Prepared 
For What Lies Ahead 
or Will You Just Ruff It?  
-------------- END --------------  

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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