Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Brother Asks: Making Master Masons


A Brother Asks: Isn't the basic function of a Masonic Lodge is to make Master Masons? 

Coach: Unfortunately, for most every Lodge, the entire purpose of a Freemasonic Lodge is thought to be to make members. This is so that the money coming in from those members will help to cover the overhead of the white elephants they maintain. Those white elephants are their lodge building and associated properties commonly owned by the Fraternal organization itself. 

As far as making Master Masons, this is very far from the actual reality of Lodge operations. Lodges can call the members who go through three degrees "Master Masons" till the end of time or till they turn blue in the face, whichever comes first. However, with rare exception, these assembly line members are merely dues paying members. They're anything but masterful in what espoused Ritual asks of them. Most members have no clue what their Masonic purpose is.

Brother: Then what should the Lodge's focus upon to correct this?

Coach: The Lodge's Basic Function SHOULD be first and foremost making Masterful Masons. This focus would shift their activity insanity FROM new membership driven activities that try to keep the doors open by making more members TO a sane betterment drive that attracts new members because these pre-masons see evidence of mastery in the current membership.

With rare exception, pre-masons will NEVER see Masonic Mastery exhibited by the majority of the Lodge members they inspect because Masonic Mastery has NOT been cultivated in them; just the ability to memorize and regurgitate stuff that they have little to no understanding of.




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