Monday, June 3, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-03


-------------- CHARACTER --------------   

Masons are people who accept full responsibility for Maturing themselves. 
They don't believe and no longer accept 
that others shall do this Maturing for them in any way. 
They seek God's Guidance in this great and important undertaking and, 
through commitment and diligence, 
become Builders of themselves. 
Brotherly Love and Affection, 
including any points of Fellowship 
are merely symptoms of this acceptance and undertaking. 
You cannot reasonably expect these symptoms from anyone 
who has yet to Obligate themselves fully to this end 
and remain true to this Obligation. 
For Further Light:

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION -------------- 

Five Masonic Paradigms 
Every Mason Should Know 
and Be Capable of 
Explaining In-Depth!

Are you up for the Challenge?

-------------- LIBERTY --------------  

Liberty requires 
the strictest of personal disciplines
that many cannot begin to comprehend, 
much less practice responsibly.
-------------- HUMOR --------------  

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

What great and important undertakings 
are you involved in this week?
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  

At What Point Do You Reach Out?
-------------- MISSION: ACCOMPLISHED! --------------  

When Brothers share Freemasonic history 
that isn't conjecture 
and that truly Supports Building a firm basis for Improving men, 
I'm interested. 
But the majority of the "who did what when" 
that is shared these days 
offensively distracts me from my mission: 
Improving myself in Masonry. 
When unsupportive information is presented, 
I Gavel it down and move on. 
My Gauge calls me toward 
more Important Matters.
-------------- THE TRUTH --------------  

The Truth behind the Hiramic lesson
is Lost to far too many.
Mastery is not a Possession
that can be handed over from one man to another
and you're a Ruffian to think as much.
PS - There are quite a few things wrong with this picture.
Look closely, count them,
but keep them to yourself. 
For Further Light:
-------------- RUFFIANS --------------  
-------------- MATH --------------   
 (hat tip to Bro. David Moran!)
-------------- MYTH --------------  
"The priest presents for consideration
a compound of inherited forms 
with the expectation (or, at times, even requirement) 
that one should interpret 
and experience them 
in a certain authorized way, 
whereas the artist first has an experience of his own, 
which he then seeks to interpret 
and communicate through effective forms. 
Not the forms first 
and then the experience, 
but the experience first, 
and then the forms."
-- Joseph Campbell,
 “Mythological Themes in Creative Literature and Art,”
 The Mythic Dimension, p. 186
hmmmmm.... remind you of anything?
-------------- WELL? --------------  

got stones?
-------------- SECRETS --------------  
Initially, I was told what the Freemasonic secrets were. They were given me during the three Blue Lodge Rituals.
Since that time, I've realized that these things are not secret at all. They are pieces of confidential information entrusted to me for safe keeping. 
I shall continue to honor that trust even though I no longer view and understand these things as secrets. 
I've learned that the point of them is not that they are considered secret or not. The point is the trust that was placed in me to keep and share these things accordingly.
What I've also realized since that time is that there are many things that some people simply can't see or don't understand that I do see and understand. These things have also been referred to as "secret" by others. 
But from everything that I know about them, they too are not secret at all. They are merely things that are not seen or understood by the majority of those who have not taken the time to see and understand them.
At least, that's how I see and understand it. And that's no secret.
-------------- BALANCE --------------  
The Twenty-Four Inch Gauge 
is about Proper Balance; 
not about Dividing your Time Equally. 
Get it?
-------------- INDEED! --------------  

-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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